On this page

Use case

Create an automation rule that will remove the attachments of all issues that were resolved 30 days ago.


Create a new rule and name it appropriately.

Providing a description will help you to identify what the rule does but this step is optional.

Scheduled trigger

Add a trigger

Select Scheduled trigger

Schedule the trigger once a day.


Run the automation at 3:00 am as it is preferable to make this operation outside of business hours.

 JQL Selector

Add a Selector

Select JQL selector

JQL Query

Use the following expression:

status WAS closed BEFORE -30d

Boolean condition

Add a Condition

Select Boolean condition


Use the following expression:

%{selector.issue.attachment} != null

 Update field action

Add an Action

Select Update field


Select Attachments (current attachments will be replaced)

Update to

Select Value returned by parser expression and fill the field below with an empty string (empty quotations marks "").

Related use cases

JWT feature

Automated action

Update field action


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