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Use case

Block the transition of an issue of Epic issue type if some of issues under it, differentiated by issue type, are not in a certain status.


Jira expression*

!issue.isEpic || issue.stories.filter(story => story.issueType.name == "Issue type of the issue").every(story=>story.status.name == "Selected status")

All of the issues with a certain issue type are in the selected status.

You can modify the expression to cater your requirements in many ways. Here you can find some more examples.

Jira expression*

!issue.isEpic || issue.stories.filter(i => i.issueType.name == "Issue type of the issue" && i.status.name == "Selected status").length >= 1

At least one issue with a certain issue type in the selected status.

Jira expression*

!issue.isEpic || issue.stories.filter(i => i.issueType.name == "Issue type of the issue" && ["Status 01", "Status 02"].includes(i.status.name)).length == 0

None of the issues with a certain issue type are in any of the selected statuses.

Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Jira expression condition

Jira expression validator

Use case description

Check whether an epic has all issues under it in a certain status.

This is particularly important if you want to block an epic as long as work is still being done on related sub-tasks.

This use case is valid for both conditions and validators. The only difference is that you can specify an additional error message when using a validator.


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