On this page

Use case

Set a Date Picker field to the nth day of the month after the issue has been transitioned.


Add the Update or copy field values post function to the transition of your choice. 

Target issue

Choose Current issue



Choose a Date Picker field


Choose Set field value manually


Introduce the following expression in the expression editor in Numeric mode.

addDays({system.currentDateTime}, (10 - dayOfTheMonth({system.currentDateTime}, LOCAL)), LOCAL) 

You can modify the day of the month that the Date Picker field will be set to by updating the number 10 in the previous expression.

The following expression will set the Date Picker field to the 10th day of the month if the issue is transitioned from the day 1 to the day 9 of the month, to the 20th day of the month if it is transitioned from the day 10 to the day 19, and to the last day of the month after the day 20 of the month.

dayOfTheMonth({system.currentDateTime}, LOCAL) < 10 ? 
addDays({system.currentDateTime}, (10 - dayOfTheMonth({system.currentDateTime}, LOCAL)), LOCAL)  :
(dayOfTheMonth({system.currentDateTime}, LOCAL) < 20 ? 
addDays({system.currentDateTime}, (20 - dayOfTheMonth({system.currentDateTime}, LOCAL)), LOCAL) : 
lastDayOfTheMonth({system.currentDateTime}, LOCAL))

Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Update or copy field values

Parser functionsdayOfTheMonth() lastDayOfTheMonth() addDays()
Labelused to mark a use case as staff pick

Tech review

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