On this page

Use case

Set a Checklist custom field of Checklist for Jira in the transitioned issue using Jira’s Edit issue REST API.


Add the Execute remote action post function to the transition of your choice.

In Expert mode, create a new action with the following parameters:


Enter Set Checklist as the name of the new action.


Select the PUT method.

Default connection

Select the connection with the current instance.

REST path.

Enter the following REST path.


REST path parameter

For the REST path parameter issueIdOrKey, select the field Issue key.

Action body

Enter an action body like the following one. For more indications on how to configure the action body to update a Checklist custom field, visit the Checklist documentation.

	"update": {
		"customfield_aaaaa": [
				"set": [

It is necessary to specify the Checklist field ID in the action body, defined as aaaaa in our example.

Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Execute remote action


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