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Boolean expressions are logical constructions that return true or false, and are used for implementing conditions, validations, and conditional executed post-functions

Simple Field Value Checking

Boolean ExpressionWhat is it for?
%{...priority} = "Critical"Validates that Priority has value Critical.
%{...priority} != "Blocker"Validates that Priority has a value different from Blocker.
%{...priority} in ["Blocker", "Critical"]
or alternatively
%{...priority} = "Blocker" OR %{...priority} = "Critical"
Validates that Priority has value Blocker or Critical.
%{...priority} != nullValidates that Priority is set.
{...timeoriginalestimate} > 60Validates that Original estimate (minutes) is greater than 60.
%{...issuetype} = "Bug" IMPLIES %{...versions} != nullValidates that Affects version/s is set whenever issue type is Bug.
%{...priority} in ["Blocker", "Critical", "Major"] IMPLIES (%{...assignee} != null AND {...duedate} != null)Validates that if Priority is Blocker, Critical or Major then issue must be assigned and Due date must be set.
length(%{...description}) >= 10Validates that Description contains at least 10 characters.
{...cf13700} in [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]

Validates that a numeric custom field called "Story Points" has been given a value in Fibonacci sequence.

{...cf13700} is code for numeric value of custom field "Story Points". This code depends on each particular Jira instance.

{...cf10000} + {...cf10001} + {...cf10003} > 10Validates that 3 numerical custom fields sum a value higher than 10.

This boolean expression assumes that all 3 fields are initialized.

{...cf10000}, {...cf10001} and {...cf10003} are field codes of 3 supposed numerical custom fields. Custom field codes depend on each particular Jira instance.

Warning: This boolean expression fails when any of the fields is not initialized.
sum([{...cf10000}, {...cf10001}, {...cf10003}]) > 10Validates that 3 numerical custom fields sum a value higher than 10.

If a field is not initialized it's assumed a zero value.

Time Related

Boolean ExpressionWhat is it for?
{...duedate} >= datePart({...currentDateTime}, LOCAL) + 5 * {DAY}Validates that it's at least 5 days left for Due date.
datePart({...duedate}, LOCAL) >= datePart({...currentDateTime}, LOCAL)Validates that due date has not yet expired.
timePart({...currentDateTime}, LOCAL) >= 8:00 AND timePart({...currentDateTime}, LOCAL) <= 20:30Checks whether Current Time is between 8:00 and 20:30 in server's timezone.
dayOfTheWeek({...duedate}, USER_LOCAL) >= {MONDAY} AND dayOfTheWeek({...duedate}, USER_LOCAL) <= {FRIDAY}Checks if Due Date is between Monday and Friday in currently logged user's timezone.
{...currentDateTime} <= {...created} + 10 * {DAY} + 5 * {HOUR} + 45 * {MINUTE}Checks whether we are still within 10 days, 5 hours and 45 minutes since date and time of issue creation.
{...currentDateTime} <= addTimeSkippingWeekends({...created}, 10 * {DAY} + 5 * {HOUR} + 45 * {MINUTE}, LOCAL)Checks whether we are still within 10 days, 5 hours and 45 minutes since date and time of issue creation, skipping the periods of time which correspond to weekend in server's local timezone.
timeDifference({...currentDateTime}, {...created}, "my_schedule", LOCAL) <= 10 * {DAY} + 5 * {HOUR} + 45 * {MINUTE}Checks whether we are still within 10 days, 5 hours and 45 minutes since date and time of issue creation considering custom schedule called my_schedule.
timeDifference({...duedate}, {...currentDateTime}, "my_schedule", LOCAL) > 48 * {HOUR}Validates that due date is at least 48 hours in the future considering custom schedule called my_schedule.
{...duedate} != null IMPLIES {...duedate} >= ({...created} + 2 * {DAY})Validates that if Due Date is set, then it must be at least 2 days later than Day and Time of Creation.

Multi-Valued Fields (Versions, Components, Labels, Multi-Select List, Checkboxes, etc.)

Boolean ExpressionWhat is it for?
"Component A" in %{...components}Checks that component called Component A is contained in current issues Components.
"Component A" not in %{...components}Checks that component called Component A is not contained in current issues Components.
"web" in %{...labels} AND "mobile" in %{...labels}Validates that current issue contains both labels "web" and "mobile"
numberOfSelectedItems(%{...components}) = 1Validation to check that Components has only 1 element selected.
numberOfSelectedItems(%{...components}) < numberOfAvailableItems(%{...components})Validates that not all the components are selected.
%{...versions} none in %{...fixVersions}Checks that there isn't any version in common between Affect version/s and Fix version/s
%{...versions} any in %{...fixVersions}Checks that there is at least one version in common between Affect version/s and Fix version/s

Linked Issues, Sub-tasks and Epic-Story relations

ExpressionWhat is it for?
count(linkedIssues("is Epic of")) >= 5 AND count(subtasks()) >= 3Validates that current issue (which is an Epic) has at least 5 tasks and 3 sub-tasks.
count(filterByPredicate(subtasks(), %{...components} not in ^%{...components})) = 0Validates that all the components selected in current issue (parent issue) are also selected in each of its sub-tasks.
%{...versions} in fieldValue(%{...versions}, subtasks())Validates that each affected version in current issue (parent issue) is selected at least in one of its sub-tasks.
{...duedate} > max(fieldValue({...duedate}, linkedIssues("is blocked by") UNION subtasks()))Validates tha Due Date is greater than latest Due Date among blocking issues and sub-tasks
count(filterByPredicate(filterByIssueType(linkedIssues("is Epic of"), "Story, Bug"), ^%{...resolution} != null OR ^{...duedate} = null)) = 0Validates that all the stories and bugs of an Epic have fields Due date set and Resolution unset.
count(filterByPredicate(linkedIssues("is Epic of") UNION subtasks(), ^%{...resolution} = null)) = 0Validates that all the tasks and sub-tasks of an Epic are resolved.
(%{...issuetype} in ["Sub-task"] IMPLIES %{...parentIssueType} in ["Task", "New Feature", "Enhancement"]) AND (%{...issuetype} in ["Agile Sub-task"] IMPLIES %{...parentIssueType} in ["Story", "Epic"])Validation for limiting the type of subtask that can be created by certain parent issue types.

Current example limits creation of "Sub-task" sub-task type to parent issues "Task", "New Feature" and "Enhancement", and "Agile Sub-task" sub-task type to parent issues "Story" and "Epic".
%{...parentIssueKey} != null IMPLIES %{...parentIssueStatus} != "Closed"Validates that parent issue is not closed during the creation of a sub-task.
count(siblingSubtasks()) = count(filterByStatus(siblingSubtasks(), "Resolved, Closed"))

Validates that all the sibling sub-tasks are in Resolved or Closed status.

** Sibling sub-tasks are those sub-tasks sharing the same parent issue as current sub-task.

count(linkedIssues("is Epic of", %{...parentIssueKey})) - 1 <= count(filterByStatus(linkedIssues("is Epic of", %{...parentIssueKey}), "Resolved, Closed"))Validates that all the sibling stories are in Resolved or Closed status.
Sibling stories are those issues sharing the same epic as current issue, regardless of their issue type. We are also considering that current issue may not yet be in Closed or Resolved status, since this validation is intended to be used in transitions like "Resolve Issue" and "Close Issue".
%{...resolution} = "Duplicate" IMPLIES count(linkedIssues("duplicates")) > 0Validates that issues being resolved as "Duplicate" has at least a "duplicates" issue link.
count(filterByPredicate(subtasks(), ^%{...status} != "Done" AND ^%{...priority} in ["Critical", "Major"])) = 0Validates that sub-tasks with priority Critical or Major are in status Done.


ExpressionWhat is it for?
toStringList(%{...fixVersions}) in releasedVersions()Validates that all fixed versions are released.
toStringList(%{...versions}) any in unreleasedVersions()Validates that at least one affected version is unreleased.
latestReleasedVersion() in archivedVersions()Validates that the latest released version in current issue's project is archived.
earliestUnreleasedVersion() not in archivedVersions()Validates that earliest unreleased version in current issue's project is not archived.


ExpressionWhat is it for?
matches(%{...attachmentsWithDetails}, "(.*(image/jpeg|image/png).*){3,}") AND matches(%{...attachmentsWithDetails}, "(.*(text/plain|application/pdf).*){2}")Requires that the issue has attached at least 3 images in format jpg or png, and exactly 2 documents in formats pdf or txt.
count(toStringList(%{...attachments})) = count(distinct(toStringList(%{...attachments})))Validation for rejecting repeated file names in attachments.

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