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The String list data type is an ordered list of strings. This data type is returned, among others, by functions that return values of string fields in a selection of issues (linked issues, sub-tasks, and subsets).

Fixed values

A string list can also be written in literal form using the following format: [string, string, ...].


A number list with 5 elements: ["Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Orange", "Red"]

String list functions

The following functions are intended to build expressions that return string lists, strings or numbers.

FunctionInputReturned value
filterByCardinality(string list l, comparison operator operator, number n)


Returns a STRING [] in l whose cardinality (i.e., the number of times it appears in list l) satisfies the comparison cardinality operator n. Available comparison operators: =, !=, <, <=, > and >= .
Example: filterByCardinality(["tiger", "tiger", "tiger", "tiger", "lion", "lion", "lion", "cat", "cat", "lynx"], <, 3) returns ["cat", "lynx"] .
Example: filterByCardinality(fieldValue(%{...components}, subtasks()), =, count(subtasks())) returns a list with the Components present in all sub-tasks, i.e., those components common to all sub-tasks of current issue.

filterByValue(string list l, comparison operator operator, string s)


Returns a STRING [] in l satisfying the comparison string_in_list operator s.
Example: filterByValue(["John", "Robert", "Kevin", "Mark"], ~, "r") returns the list of string containing substring "r". i.e., ["Robert", "Mark"]

filterByPredicate(string list l, boolean expression predicate)


Returns a STRING [] in l that validate predicate. Argument predicate is a boolean expression, where ^% is used for referencing string values in argument l.
Example: filterByPredicate(["book", "rose", "sword"], length(^%) > 4) returns ["sword"] .
Example: filterByPredicate(["book", "rose", "sword"], ^% in %{...summary} OR ^% in %{...description}) returns a list with those strings in first argument that also appear in issue Summary or Description.

append(string list l, string list m)


Returns a STRING [] with all strings in arguments l and m. Duplicated string may appear in output. Use function union(l, m) instead, if you want to avoid repetitions.
Example: append(["blue", "red", "green"], ["red", "green", "yellow"]) returns ["blue", "red", "green", "red", "green", "yellow"] .
Example: append(fieldValue(%{...fixVersions}, subtasks()), fieldValue(%{...fixVersions}, linkedIssues("is blocked by"))) returns a string list with Fix Version/s of sub-tasks and blocking issues.

union(string list l, string list m)


Returns a STRING [] with all strings in argument l or in argument m without duplicated strings.
Example: union(["blue", "red", "green"], ["red", "green", "yellow"]) returns ["blue", "red", "green", "yellow"] .
Example: union(fieldValue(%{...fixVersions}, subtasks()), fieldValue(%{...fixVersions}, linkedIssues())) returns the list of Fix Version/s selected among all sub-tasks and linked issues.

except(string list l, string list m)


Returns a STRING [] with all strings in argument l which are not in argument m. Duplicated strings in l may appear in output. Use function distinct() to remove them if you need to.
Example: except(["blue", "red", "green", "black"], ["red", "green", "yellow"]) returns ["blue", "black"] .
Example: except(fieldValue(%{...fixVersions}, subtasks()), fieldValue(%{...fixVersions}, linkedIssues())) returns the list of Fix Version/s in sub-tasks and not in linked issues.

intersect(string list l, string list m)


Returns a STRING [] with all strings in argument l and m simultaneously.
Example: intersect(["blue", "red", "green", "black"], ["red", "green", "yellow"]) returns ["red", "green"] .
Example: union(fieldValue(%{...fixVersions}, subtasks()), fieldValue(%{...fixVersions}, linkedIssues())) returns the list of Fix Version/s common to sub-tasks and linked issues.

distinct(string list l


Returns a STRING [] with all strings in list l without any duplication.
Example: distinct(["blue", "green", "yellow", "blue", "yellow"]) returns ["blue", "green", "yellow"] .
Example: distinct(fieldValue(%{...assignee}, subtasks())) returns the list of assignees to sub-tasks, with only one occurrence per user, although a user may have more than one sub-task assigned.

count(string list l)


Returns the NUMBER of string values in l.
Example: count(["blue", "red", "blue", "black"]) returns 4 .
Example: count(distinct(fieldValue(%{...components}, subtasks()))) returns the number of Components selected among all sub-tasks.

count(string s, string list l)


Returns the NUMBER of times s appears in l.
Example: count("blue", ["blue", "blue", "red", "red", "blue", "green"]) returns 3 .

first(string list l)


Returns the first element in STRING list l, or null if l is an empty list.
Example: first(["blue", "red", "green"]) returns "blue" .

last(string list l)


Returns the first element in STRING list l, or null if l is an empty list.
Example: last(["blue", "red", "green"]) returns "green" .

nthElement(string list l, number n)


Returns element at position n in STRING list l, where n >= 1 and n <= count(l). Returns null if n is greater than the number of elements in l.
Example: nthElement(["blue", "red", "green"], 2) returns "red" .

getMatchingValue(string key, string list key_list, string list value_list)


Returns STRING value in value_list that is in the same position as string key is in key_list, or in case key doesn't exist in key_list and value_list has more elements than key_list, the element of value_list in position count(key_list) + 1 .
Example: getMatchingValue("Spain", ["USA", "UK", "France", "Spain", "Germany"], ["Washington", "London", "Paris", "Madrid", "Berlin"]) returns "Madrid" .

getMatchingValue(string key, string list key_list, string list value_list)


Returns STRING value in value_list that is in the same position as numeric key is in key_list, or in case key doesn't exist in key_list and value_list has more elements than key_list, the element of value_list in position count(key_list) + 1.
Example: getMatchingValue(8, [2, 4, 6, 8, 10], ["Washington", "London", "Paris", "Madrid", "Berlin"]) returns "Madrid" .

sublist(string list l, number indexFrom, number indexTo)


Returns a STRING [] with elements in l from indexFrom index to indexTo index. Having indexFrom >= 1 and indexFrom <= count(l) and indexTo >= 1 and indexTo <= count(l) and indexFrom <= indexTo.
Example: sublist(["red", "green", "blue", "purple", "white"], 2, 4) returns ["green", "blue", "purple"] .

indexOf(string element, string list l)


Returns the index NUMBER of string element in string list l. Zero is returned when element is not found in l.
Example: indexOf("blue", ["red", "blue", "green"]) returns 2 .

sort(string list l, order)


Returns a STRING [] with elements in l lexicographically ordered. Available orders are ASC (for ascending order) and DESC (for descending order).
Example: sort(["red", "blue", "green"], ASC) returns ["blue", "green", "red"] .

textOnStringList(string list strings, string text_expression)


Returns a STRING [] resulting of evaluating text_expression against each of the strings in argument strings. Argument text_expression is an expression that returns a string, where ^% represents each string in argument strings.
Example: textOnStringList(["albert", "riCHard", "MARY"], capitalizeWordsFully(^%)) returns ["Albert", "Richard", "Mary"] .

mathOnStringList(string list strings, number math_time_expression


Returns a NUMBER [] resulting of evaluating math_time_expression against each of the issues in argument issues. Argument math_time_expression is a math/time expression, where ^% represents each string in argument strings.
Example: mathOnStringList(["a", "ab", "abc", "abcd", "abcde"], length(^%)) returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] .


["red", "blue", "green"]A string list with the names of 3 colors
fieldValue(%{...summary}, subtasks())Returns the list of summaries of sub-tasks of the current issue
toStringList(%{...components})Returns a list with the names of the components of the current issue. 
distinct(toStringList(toString(fieldValue(%{...components}, subtasks())), ","))

Returns a string list with all the components present in the sub-tasks of the current issue without duplicates.

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