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Table of Contents

Schedules Definition Grammar (SDG)

Schedules Definition Grammar is a language designed for specifying schedules, i.e., custom subsets of the time continuum where a certain activity is or can be done.

Schedules are defined in Jira at Administration > Add-ons > JIRA WORKFLOW TOOLBOX > Schedules.

There is a set of parser functions available to be used in any feature of the plugin (conditions, validations, post-functions and calculated fields) to do time calculations on your custom schedules defined using SDG. The basic operations that can be done are:

  • Belonging: asks for whether a certain instant of the time belongs or not to a particular schedule.
  • Time subtraction: calculates the difference between 2 particular natural time instants within the time subset defined by a particular schedule.
  • Time addition: calculates the instant of time resulting of adding a certain time duration to a base instant within the time subset defined by a particular schedule.

SDG Syntax

Main Concepts

  • Schedule: formal definition of a part of the natural time (i.e., time continuum) on which we will be able to do time calculations. Schedules are composed of at least one time specifier.
  • Time Specifier: are composed of a time definition and a block, and are written like this: <time_definition> { <block_content> }.
    • Time definition: is a definition of a part of the time continuum.
    • Block: is written between curly brackets (i.e., {}), and defines a scope where lower level  time specifiers can be written.
  • Time Specifier's Level: time specifiers are arranged in a 5 level hierarchy: global level, year level, month level, week level and day level. The top level is the global one. A time specifier of a particular level is always explicitly or implicitly contained in a time specifier of the immediately higher level. When the higher level time specifier is not written, then it's implicitly contained in an unrestricted higher level time specifier.
  • Time Specifier's Priority: time specifiers have also a priority associated, so that when 2 time specifiers overlap in a same level, the one with the higher priority is applied. Time specifiers with same priority in a same level are not allowed to overlap, i.e., the intersection of their time definitions must be empty.
  • Time Specifier's Category: we can classify time specifiers in 2 categories.
    • Absolute: define unique and specific parts of the time continuum. This category of time specifiers represents the ones in the global level.
    • Relative: define parts of the time in the context of other time specifiers, i.e., the actual part of the time continuum defined depends on the time specifier where they are contained. This category of time specifiers contains the ones in the rest of levels: year level, month level, week level and day level.
  • Comment: SDG supports single-line comments. Comments begin with #. Example: #Summer Schedule

Time Specifiers

The following table shows all the time specifiers available, ordered by level an priority, and some examples of each of them.

Level / PriorityHighest Priority...Lowest Priority

2018/03/25, 2018/AUG/18,
2017/01/01, 2017/05/01, 2017/12/25-2017/12/31

Can contain intervals.
Date Interval List

2018/01/01-2018/01/07, 2018/04/10-2018/04/20
Year List

2000, 2005, 2010,
2010-2015, 2018, 2020-2025

Can contain intervals.
YEAR LEVELMonth-Day List

JAN/1, MAY/1, JUL/4, DEC/25
Month-Day Interval List

AUG/1-AUG/15, NOV/5-NOV-15
Month List


Can contain intervals.
MONTH LEVELDay of Month List

1, 15, 30,
1-5, 15, 25-30,
1, 15-31,

Can contain intervals.
WEEK LEVELDay of Week List


Can contain intervals.

Time Interval List

8:00-15:00, 16:00-19:00;,


Used for defining holidays.


08:00-15:00, 16:00-20:00;Any date-time with time part between 08:00 and 15:00, or 16:00 and 20:00.

By convention 15:00 and 20:00 time instants are out of the schedule.
MON-FRI{08:00-15:00, 16:00-20:00;}Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 to 15:00, and from 16:00 to 20:00.
MON-THU{08:00-15:00, 16:00-20:00;} FRI{08:00-15:00;}Mondays to Thursdays from 08:00 to 15:00, and from 16:00 to 20:00. Fridays from 08:00 to 15:00.
Code Block
# Winter Schedule
   08:00 - 15:00,
   16:00 - 20:00;

    08:00 - 15:00;

# Summer Schedule
JUN/15 - SEP/15 {
    MON - FRI {
        08:00 - 14:30;
From 15 June to 15 September, Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 to 14:30.

For the rest of the year, Mondays to Thursdays from 08:00 to 15:00, and from 16:00 to 20:00. Fridays from 08:00 to 15:00.

Code Block
# Winter Schedule
   08:00 - 15:00,
   16:00 - 20:00;

    08:00 - 15:00;

# Summer Schedule
JUN/15 - SEP/15 {
    MON - FRI {
        08:00 - 14:30;

# Annual Holidays
JAN/1, MAY/1, NOV/1, DEC/25 {;}

# 2017 Holidays
2017/JAN/12, 2017/APR/13, 2017/APR/14, 2017/NOV/23 {;}
From 15 June to 15 September, Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 to 14:30.

For the rest of the year, Mondays to Thursdays from 08:00 to 15:00, and from 16:00 to 20:00. Fridays from 08:00 to 15:00.

We added also a specification for annual holidays, i.e., holidays the happen the same day every year, and for particular year holidays (2017 in the example).
Code Block
# Schedule from 1st December 2017 on

# Winter Schedule
   08:30 - 15:30,
   16:00 - 19:30;

   08:00 - 15:00;

# Summer Schedule
JUN/15 - SEP/15 {
   MON - FRI {
      08:00 - 14:30;

# Annual Holidays
JAN/1, MAY/1, JUL/4, NOV/1, DEC/25 {;}

# 2018 Holidays
2018/03/27 - 2018/03/30, 2018/10/22 {;}

# Schedule up to 30th November 2017
2000/01/01 - 2017/11/30 {

   # Winter Schedule
   MON-THU {
      08:00 - 15:00,
      16:00 - 20:00;

   FRI {
      08:00 - 15:00;

   # Summer Schedule
   JUN/15 - SEP/15 {
      MON - FRI {
         08:00 - 14:30;

   # Annual Holidays
   JAN/1, MAY/1, NOV/1, DEC/25 {;}

# 2017 Holidays
2017/JAN/12, 2017/APR/13, 2017/APR/14, 2017/NOV/23 {;}
In this example we show how to introduce some modifications in the previous schedule that will be applied since 1st December 2017 on, keeping the old schedule valid only up to 30th November 2017.

Functions for Time Calculations on Schedules

The following functions are available in most features of the add-on (conditions, validations and post-functions) for doing time calculations on your custom schedules:

FunctionReturned value
inSchedule(number time_instant, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone) : booleanReturns true if the time instant time_instant belongs to the schedule with name schedule_name for time_zone timezone.
Example: inSchedule(2017/12/01 7:30, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns false.
Example: inSchedule(2017/12/01 8:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns true.
Example: inSchedule(2017/12/01 17:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns false.
Example: inSchedule(2017/12/04 17:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns true.
inSchedule(number time_instant, string schedule_name, string additional_terms, timeZone time_zone) : booleanSimilar to previous function, but with extra parameter additional_terms, which is a string containing extra Schedules Definition Grammar clauses that will be attached to schedule with name schedule_name. This function can be used to include personal holidays to an existing schedule.
Example without additional terms: inSchedule(2017/12/04 9:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns true.
Example with additional terms: inSchedule(2017/12/04 9:00, "my_schedule", "2017/12/04 {;}", LOCAL) returns false.
timeDifference(number higher_instant, number lower_instant, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone) : numberReturns the number of milliseconds elapsed from lower_instant to higher_instant within schedule with name schedule_name for time_zone timezone.
Example: timeDifference(2017/12/04 10:01, 2017/12/01 01:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 8 * {HOUR} + 31 * {MINUTE}.
Example: timeDifference(2017/12/04 17:00, 2017/12/04 14:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2 * {HOUR} + 30 * {MINUTE}.
timeDifference(number higher_instant, number lower_instant, string schedule_name, string additional_terms, timeZone time_zone) : numberSimilar to previous function, but with extra parameter additional_terms, which is a string containing extra Schedules Definition Grammar clauses that will be attached to schedule with name schedule_name. This function can be used to include personal holidays to an existing schedule.
Example without additional terms: timeDifference(2017/12/05 18:00, 2017/12/01 9:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 25 * {HOUR}.
Example with additional terms: timeDifference(2017/12/05 18:00, 2017/12/01 9:00, "my_schedule", "2017/12/04 {;}", LOCAL) returns 15 * {HOUR}.
addTime(number base_instant, number offset, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone) : numberReturns the time instant resulting of adding offset milliseconds to base_instant within schedule with name schedule_name for time_zone timezone.
Example: addTime(2017/12/01 01:00, 8 * {HOUR} + 31 * {MINUTE}, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2017/12/04 10:01.
Example: addTime(2017/12/04 14:00, 2 * {HOUR} + 30 * {MINUTE}, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2017/12/04 17:00.

Since version 2.2.41 negative offset values are supported:
Example: addTime(2017/04/24 09:00, - 2 * {HOUR}, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2017/04/21 14:00.
Example: addTime(2017/04/20 20:30, - 5 * {HOUR}, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2017/04/20 13:00.
addTime(number base_instant, number offset, string schedule_name, string additional_terms, timeZone time_zone) : numberSimilar to previous function, but with extra parameter additional_terms, which is a string containing extra Schedules Definition Grammar clauses that will be attached to schedule with name schedule_name. This function can be used to include personal holidays to an existing schedule.
Example without additional terms: addTime(2017/12/01 9:00, 25 * {HOUR}, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2017/12/05 18:00.
Example with additional terms: addTime(2017/12/01 9:00, 25 * {HOUR}, "my_schedule", "2017/12/04 {;}", LOCAL) returns 2017/12/06 18:00.
nextTime(number time_instant, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone) : number
Available since version 2.2.40
If time_instant doesn't belong to schedule with name schedule_name, then returns closer time in the future that belongs to the schedule, otherwise returns time_instant.
Example: nextTime(2017/12/01 01:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2017/12/01 08:00.
Example: nextTime(2017/12/01 15:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2017/12/04 08:00.
Example: nextTime(2017/12/01 08:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2017/12/01 08:00.
Example: nextTime(2017/11/30 15:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2017/11/30 16:00.
nextTime(number time_instant, string schedule_name, string additional_terms, timeZone time_zone) : number
Available since version 2.2.40
Similar to previous function, but with extra parameter additional_terms, which is a string containing extra Schedules Definition Grammar clauses that will be attached to schedule with name schedule_name. This function can be used to include personal holidays to an existing schedule.
Example without additional terms: nextTime(2017/12/01 15:00, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns 2017/12/04 08:00.
Example with additional terms: nextTime(2017/12/01 15:00, "my_schedule", "2017/12/04 {;}", LOCAL) returns 2017/12/05 8:00.

In the examples above we have used schedule "my_schedule", whose definition in Schedules Definition Grammar is:

Code Block
   08:00 - 15:00,
   16:00 - 19:30;

    08:00 - 15:00;


Note that 2017/04/21 and 2017/12/01 are Fridays.

Custom schedules are defined at Administration > Add-ons > JIRA WORKFLOW TOOLBOX > Schedules.

Backus–Naur Syntax Specification

<schedule> ::= <global_level_specifier> +

<global_level_specifier> ::= <date_interval_list> { <year_level_specifier>* } | <date_list> { <year_level_specifier>* } | <year_list> { <year_level_specifier>* } | <year_level_specifier>+

<year_level_specifier> ::= <month_day_list> { <month_level_specifier>* } | <month_day_interval_list> { <month_level_specifier>* } | <month_list> { <month_level_specifier>* } | <month_level_specifier>+

<month_level_specifier> ::= <day_of_month_list> { <week_level_specifier>* } | <week_level_specifier>+

<week_level_specifier> ::= <day_of_week_list> { <day_level_specifier>* } | <day_level_specifier>+

<day_level_specifier> ::= <time_interval_list>

<time_interval_list> ::= <time_interval> (, <time_interval>)* ; | ;

<time_interval> ::= <time_literal> - <time_literal>

<time_literal> examples: 00:00, 6:30, 09:55, 13:01 and 23:59.

<date_interval_list> ::= <date_interval> (, <date_interval>)*

<date_list> ::= (<date_literal> | <date_interval>) (, (<date_literal> | <date_interval>))*

<date_interval> ::= <date_literal> - <date_literal>

<date_literal> examples: 2017/06/27, 2017/JUN/27, 2018/01/01 and 2020/MAR/2.

<year_list> ::= (<year> | <year_interval>) (, (<year> | <year_interval>))*

<year_interval> ::= <year> - <year>

<year> examples: 1991, 2000 and 2017.

<month_day_list> ::= <month_day> (, <month_day>)*

<month_day_interval_list> ::= <month_day_interval> (, <month_day_interval>)*

<month_day_interval> ::= <month_day> - <month_day>

<month_day> ::= <month> / <day_of_month>
examples: JAN/1, MAR/02, AUG/18 and DEC/25.

<month_list> ::= (<month> | <month_interval>) (, (<month> | <month_interval>))*

<month> ::= JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC

<day_of_month_list> ::= (<day_of_month> | <day_of_month_interval>) (, (<day_of_month> | <day_of_month_interval>))*

<day_of_month_interval> ::= <day_of_month> - <day_of_month>

<day_of_week_list> ::= (<day_of_week> | <day_of_week_interval>) (, (<day_of_week> | <day_of_week_interval>))*

<day_of_week> ::= MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI | SAT | SUN

Schedules Usage Examples