Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

[2017-12-21] Released 


Jira Workflow Toolbox 2.2.46


  • Mixed parsing mode: this mode is similar to basic parsing mode but allows inserting string and math-time expressions between 3 curly brackets, i.e., {{{ expression }}}. Examples:
    • Example 1:
      Number of subtasks: {{{count(subtasks())}}}
    • Example 2:
      Tomorrow is: {{{dateToString({00057} + 1 * {DAY}, LOCAL, SERVER_LANG)}}}
    • Example 3:
      Description from WIKI to HTML: {{{wikiToHTML(%{00001})}}}
    • Example 4:
      Formatted summary: {{{capitalizeWordsFully(trim(%{00000}))}}}

This new parsing mode is currently only supported for setting email's subject and body in post-function Send an email.




  • When setting a leading and trailing delimiter in post-function Parse field for extracting data and there was more than one occurrence of the trailing delimiter, the text value extracted was all the content between the leading delimiter and the farthest trailing delimiter. This version fixes this problem, and the value extracted is the text between the leading delimiter and the closest trailing delimiter.
  • Very rare problem with long field codes for parent issue.
  • Issue #888 - Writing into certain virtual fields (e.g., Epic Link) didn't consider the user selected in parameter "Run As".