🚀 Effective since April 2020 and JWT version 2.9.0 Automation Toolbox for Jira is fully integrated into our top rated app Jira Workflow Toolbox (JWT)🚀

Data Center approved

This is the first Atlassian approved Data Center compatible version of Automation Toolbox for Jira.

New features

  • Manual trigger to configure rules that are executed manually
  • Log Work action to create automatic work logs
  • Create Issue Link action to create issue links, choosing the issue link type and issues to be linked to
  • Delete Issue Link action to delete issue links, optionally filtering by issue link type(s) and/or custom issue selection
  • Possibility to import and export rules


  • Added the possibility to search by the field id's in the field injector drop-down
  • New style for the expressions of the elements in the rule view
  • Added confirm dialog to close the rule sidebar if the configuration has been changed
  • Added Run now button to Actions menu of activated Scheduled Rules in the Automation Rules view
  • Added the possibility to set and inherit issue links in the Create Issue action
  • Added the possibility to inherit issue fields in the Create Issueaction
  • Improved the view of the inherit fileds option in the Create Issue action
  • General UI improvements in rule sidebar and updated descriptions

Bug fixes

  • User selectors were broken, if the selected user was renamed
  • Seed issue was mistakenly displayed in the Create Issue action
  • User condition used to throw a Nullpointer when trying to check against required Selected user(s)
  • Syntax highlighting didn't work for the cascading field key when a value of a cascading list was selected
  • Cascading fields didn't work properly
  • Removed Seed issue option from the issue selection in the Create Issue action

Direct download from Marketplace

New expressions in the parser

setBoolean(string variable_name, boolean value



Creates a variable named variable_name for storing a BOOLEAN value, and assigns it a value, which is also returned in order to be used within an expression.

Example: setBoolean("myBoolean",true)

getBoolean(string variable_name)


Returns the value stored in a BOOLEAN variable named variable_name, which was previously created using the setBoolean() function.

Example: getBoolean("myBoolean")

setNumber(string variable_name, number value)



Creates a variable named variable_name for storing a NUMBER, and assigns it a value, which is also returned in order to be used within an expression.

Example: setNumber("myNumber",100)

getNumber(string variable_name)



Returns the NUMBER value stored in a numeric variable named variable_name, which was previously created using the setNumber() function.

Example: getNumber("myNumber")

setString(string variable_name, string value)



Creates a variable named variable_name for storing a STRING, and assigns it a value, which is also returned in order to be used within an expression.

Example: setString("myString","Hello World!")

getString(string variable_name)


Returns the value stored in STRING variable named variable_name, which was previously created using the setString() function.

Example: getString("myString")

setNumberList(string variable_name, number list value)



Creates a variable named variable_name for storing a NUMBER [], and assigns it a value, which is also returned in order to be used within an expression.

Example: setNumberList("myNumberList",[1,2,3])

getNumberList(string variable_name)


Returns the value stored in NUMBER [] variable named variable_name, which was previously created using the setNumberList() function.

Example: getNumberList("myNumberList")

setStringList(string variable_name, string list value)



Creates a variable named variable_name for storing a STRING [], and assigns it a value, which is also returned in order to be used within an expression.

Example: setStringList("myStringList",["Hello","World"])

getStringList(string variable_name)


Returns the value stored in STRING [] variable named variable_name, which was previously created using the setStringList() function.

Example: getStringList("myStringList")

setIssueList(string variable_name, issue list value)



Creates a variable named variable_name for storing an ISSUE [], and assigns it a value, which is also returned in order to be used within an expression.

Example: setIssueList("myIssueList",["KEY-1","KEY-2"])

getIssueList(string variable_name)


Returns the value stored in ISSUE [] variable named variable_name, which was previously created using setIssueList() function.

Example: getIssueList("myIssueList")

weekOfTheYear(number t, number firstDayOfTheWeek, number minimalDaysInFirstWeek, timeZone time_zone )





Returns the week of the year of the date-time t in a certain time_zone as NUMBER. The parameter firstDayOfTheWeek represents the first day of the week, e.g.: {SUNDAY} in the U.S., and {MONDAY} in Germany. The parameter minimalDaysInFirstWeek represents the minimal number of days required in the first week of the year, e.g., if the first week is defined as the one that contains the first day of the first month of the year, value should be used. If the minimal number of days required must be a full week (e.g. all days of the week need to be in that year), value should be used.

Example: weekOfTheYear(2023/01/03, {SUNDAY}, 1, LOCAL) returns 1.

Example: weekOfTheYear(2023/01/03, {MONDAY}, 1, LOCAL) returns 2.

Example: weekOfTheYear(2023/01/03, {MONDAY}, 7, LOCAL) returns 1.

dayOfTheYear(number t, timeZone time_zone)



Returns the day of the year of date-time in a certain time_zone as NUMBER, e.g. for January 1st the value returned will be 1.

Example: dayOfTheYear(2019/02/01, LOCAL) returns 32

timeInValue(string field field, boolean expression predicate)



Returns the NUMBER of milliseconds a string field with code %{nnnnn} of the current issue has had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate, where the string value of the field with code %{nnnnn} is represented by ^%.

Example: timeInValue(%{00000}, ^% ~~ "ERROR" OR ^% ~~ "WARNING") returns the number of milliseconds the field summary (field code %{00000}) of the current issue has contained any of the words "ERROR" or "WARNING", ignoring the case.

Example: timeInValue(%{00094}, count(toStringList(^%, ",")) > 1) returns the number of milliseconds the field components (field code %{00094}) of the current issue has contained more than one selected component.

Example: timeInValue(%{00017}, ^% in ["Critical", "High"]) returns the number of milliseconds the field priority (field code %{00017}) of the current issue has had a value of Critical or High.

timeInValue(number field field, boolean expression predicate)



Returns the NUMBER of milliseconds a number or date-time field with code {nnnnn} of the current issue has had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate, where the numeric value of the field with code {nnnnn} is represented by ^.

Example: timeInValue({00012}, ^ != null) returns the number of milliseconds the field Due date (field code {00012}) of the current issue has had a value.

Example: timeInValue({10001}, ^ >= 5 AND ^ <= 10) returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) of the current issue has remained between 5 and 10.

Example: timeInValue({10001}, modulus(^, 2) = 0) returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) of the current issue has had an even value (2, 4, 6,...).

timeInValue(string field field, issue list issues, boolean expression predicate)




Returns the sum of milliseconds a string field with code %{nnnnn} has had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate in distinct issues as NUMBER, where the string value of the field with code %{nnnnn} is represented by ^%.

Example: timeInValue(%{00000}, subtasks(), ^% ~~ "ERROR" OR ^% ~~ "WARNING") returns the sum of milliseconds the summary fields (field code %{00000}) of all subtasks of the current issue have contained any of the words "ERROR" or "WARNING", ignoring the case.

Example: timeInValue(%{00094}, epic(), count(toStringList(^%, ",")) > 1) returns the number of milliseconds the components fields (field code %{00094}) in a linked Epic issue have contained more than one selected component.

Example: timeInValue(%{00017}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Bug, New Feature"), ^% in ["Critical", "High"]) returns the sum of milliseconds all linked Bugs and New Features of the current issue have had a priority (field code %{00017}) value of Critical or High.

timeInValue(number field field, issue list issues, boolean expression predicate)




Returns the sum of milliseconds a number or date-time field with code {nnnnn} has had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate in distinct issues as NUMBER, where the numeric value of the field with code {nnnnn} is represented by ^.

Example: timeInValue({00012}, subtasks(), ^ != null) returns the number of milliseconds the field due date (field code {00012}) of all subtasks of the current issue have had a value.

Example: timeInValue({10001}, epic(), ^ >= 5 AND ^ <= 10) returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) of an Epic issue has had a value between 5 and 10.

Example: timeInValue({10001}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Bug, New Feature"), modulus(^, 2) = 0) returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) has had an even value in any linked Bug or New Feature.

timeInValue(string field field, boolean expression predicate, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone)





Returns the NUMBER of milliseconds a string field with code %{nnnnn} of the current issue has had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate, where the string value of the field with code %{nnnnn} is represented by ^%. The time being calculated by this function is only counted during a defined schedule with name schedule_name for time zone time_zone.

Example: timeInValue(%{00000}, ^% ~~ "ERROR" OR ^% ~~ "WARNING", "schedule_name", LOCAL) returns the number of milliseconds the field summary (field code %{00000}) of the current issue has contained any of the words "ERROR" or "WARNING", ignoring the case, within a schedule named schedule_name for the server's default time_zone.

Example: timeInValue(%{00094}, count(toStringList(^%, ",")) > 1, "schedule_name", LOCAL) returns the number of milliseconds the field components (field code %{00094}) of the current issue has contained more than one selected component, within a schedule named schedule_name for the server's default time_zone.

Example: timeInValue(%{00017}, ^% in ["Critical", "High"], "schedule_name", LOCAL) returns the number of milliseconds the current issue has had a priority value of Critical or High (field code %{00017}), within a schedule named schedule_name for the server's default time_zone.

timeInValue(number field field, boolean expression predicate, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone) : number





Returns the NUMBER of milliseconds of a number or date-time field with code {nnnnn} of the current issue has had a values satisfying a boolean expression predicate, where the numeric value of the field with code {nnnnn} is represented by ^. The time being calculated by this function is only counted during a defined schedule with name schedule_name for time zone time_zone.

Example: timeInValue({00012}, ^ != null, "schedule_name", LOCAL) returns the number of milliseconds the field due date (field code {00012}) of the current issue has had a value, ignoring the case, within a schedule named "my_schedule" for the server's default time_zone.

Example: timeInValue({10001}, ^ >= 5 AND ^ <= 10, "schedule_name", LOCAL) returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) of the current issue has had a value between 5 and 10, within a schedule named schedule_name for the server's default time_zone.

Example: timeInValue({10001}, modulus(^, 2) = 0, "schedule_name", LOCAL) returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) in current issue has had an even value, within a schedule named schedule_name for the server's default time_zone.

timeInValue(string field field,issue list issues, boolean expression predicate, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone)






Returns the NUMBER of milliseconds a string field with code %{nnnnn} has had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate in distinct issues, where the value of the field with code %{nnnnn} is represented by ^%. The time being calculated by this function is only counted during a defined schedule with name schedule_name for time zone time_zone.

Example: timeInValue(%{00000}, subtasks(), ^% ~~ "ERROR" OR ^% ~~ "WARNING", "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns the sum of milliseconds the fields summary (field code %{00000}) of all subtasks of the current issue have have contained any of the words "ERROR" or "WARNING", ignoring the case, within a schedule named "schedule_name" for the server's default time_zone.

Example: timeInValue(%{00094}, epic(), count(toStringList(^%, ",")) > 1, "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns the number of milliseconds the field components (field code %{00094}) in the linked Epic issue has contained more than one selected component, within a schedule named my_schedule for the server's default time_zone.

Example: timeInValue(%{00017}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Bug, New Feature"), ^% in ["Critical", "High"], "my_schedule", LOCAL) returns the sum of milliseconds all linked Bugs and New Features of the current issue have had a priority (field code %{00017}) value of Critical or High., within a schedule named my_schedule for the server's default time_zone.

timeInValue(number field field, issue list issues, boolean expression predicate, string schedule_name, timeZone time_zone)






Returns the NUMBER of milliseconds number or date-time field with code {nnnnn} has had a value satisfying a boolean expression predicate in distinct issues, where the numeric value of the field with code {nnnnn} is represented by ^. The time being calculated by this function is only counted during a defined schedule with name schedule_name for time zone time_zone.

Example: timeInValue({00012}, subtasks(), ^ != null, "schedule_name", LOCAL) returns the number of milliseconds the field due date (field code {00012}) of all subtasks of the current issue have had a value, within a schedule named "my_schedule" for the server's default time_zone.

Example: timeInValue({10001}, epic(), ^ >= 5 AND ^ <= 10, "schedule_name", LOCAL) returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) in the linked Epicissue has had a value between 5 and 10, within a schedule named "schedule_name" for the server's default time_zone.

Example: timeInValue({10001}, filterByIssueType(linkedIssues(), "Bug, New Feature"), modulus(^, 2) = 0, "schedule_name", LOCAL) returns the number of milliseconds a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) has had an even value in any linked Bug or New Feature, within a schedule named schedule_name for the server's default time_zone.

fieldChangeTimes(string field field, boolean expression predicate)



Returns the timestamps as NUMBER [] of when a string value of field with code %{nnnnn} has changed satisfying a certain predicate that depends on the values of the field before and after the value change. The string value before the change is represented by ^0%, and after the change by ^1%. The timestamps are returned as a number list sorted in ascending order.

Example: fieldChangeTimes(%{00000}, ^0% !~~ "IMPORTANT" AND ^1% ~~ "IMPORTANT") returns the list of timestamps when word "IMPORTANT" has been added to the current issue's summary (field code %{00000}) ignoring the case.

Example: fieldChangeTimes(%{00017}, ^0% = null AND ^1% != null) returns the list of timestamps of when the issue priority (field code %{00017}) of the current issue has been set.

Example: fieldChangeTimes(%{00017}, ^0% not in ["Critical", "High"] AND ^1% in ["Critical", "High"]) returns the list of timestamps when current issue's priority (field code %{00017}) has become Critical or High.

fieldChangeTimes(number field field, boolean expression predicate)



Returns the timestamps as NUMBER [] of when a numeric / date-time value of field with code {nnnnn} has changed satisfying a certain predicate that depends on the values of the field before and after the value change. The numeric value before the change is represented by ^0, and after the change by ^1. The timestamps are returned as a number list sorted in ascending order.

Example: fieldChangeTimes({00012}, ^0 < ^1) returns the timestamps of when the Due date (field code {00012}) has been edited to a higher value.

Example: fieldChangeTimes({10001}, abs(^0 - ^1) / ^0 >= 0.25) returns the timestamps of when a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers(field code {10001}) has been edited with a variation of at least 25% over its previous value.

fieldChangeTimes(string field field, issue list issues, boolean expression predicate)




Returns the timestamps as NUMBER [] of when a string value of field with code %{nnnnn} in distinct parameter issues have changed satisfying certain predicate that depends on the values of the fields before and after the value change. The string value before the change is represented by ^0%, and after the change by ^1%. The timestamps are returned as a number list containing a sequence of sorted numeric values in ascending order for each parameter issue.

Example: fieldChangeTimes(%{00000}, subtasks(), ^0% !~~ "IMPORTANT" AND ^1% ~~ "IMPORTANT") returns the list of timestamps of when the word "IMPORTANT" has been added the the summary (field code %{00000}) of all current issue's subtasks, ignoring the case.

Example: fieldChangeTimes(%{00017}, epic(), ^0% = null AND ^1% != null) returns the list of timestamps of when the issue priority (field code %{00017}) of the current issue's epic has been set.

Example: fieldChangeTimes(%{00017}, linkedIssues("is blocked by"), ^0% not in ["Critical", "High"] AND ^1% in ["Critical", "High"]) returns the list of timestamps of when the priority(field code %{00017}) in all blocking linked issues has become Critical or High.

fieldChangeTimes(number field field, issue list issues, boolean expression predicate)




Returns the timestamps as NUMBER [] of when a numeric value of field with code {nnnnn} in distinct parameter issues have changed satisfying a certain predicate that depends on the values of the fields before and after the value change. The numeric value before the change is represented by ^0, and after the change by ^1. The timestamps are returned as a number list containing a sequence of sorted numeric values in ascending order for each parameter issue.

Example: fieldChangeTimes({00012}, subtasks(), ^0 < ^1) returns the timestamps of when the due date (field code {00012}) has been edited to a higher value in any of the current issue's subtasks.

Example: fieldChangeTimes({10001}, epic(), abs(^0 - ^1) / ^0 >= 0.25) returns the timestamps when a hypothetical numeric field called Passengers (field code {10001}) in the current issue's epic has been edited with a variation of at least 25% over its previous value

lastFieldChangeTime(string field field)


Returns the timestamp as NUMBER of most recent value update of a field with code %{nnnnn}.

Example: lastFieldChangeTime(%{00000}) returns the timestamp of the last update of an issue's summary (field code {00000}).


Returns a STRING [] with the unreleased versions in the current project with the default order. Only non-archived versions are returned. The first version in the list is the lowermost version in the version table.


Returns a STRING [] with the released versions in the current project with the default order. Only non-archived versions are returned. The first version in the list is the lowermost version in the version table.

Find more release notes in our Version History section.