Remove either the label use-case-smart-text or use-case-smart-number depending on the feature the use case is based on

Use case

Return a number that defines the priority of an issue based on the values of certain fields. If one of the field contains one of the defined values, the total number will increase by one.


Create and configure a Smart field using this expression in General parsing mode:

%{sum([%{issue.cfnnnnn} = "Option 1" ? 1 : 0, %{issue.cfppppp} = "Option 2" ? 1 : 0 ])}

Please, replace nnnnn and ppppp with the IDs of the custom fields, e.g. Select List (single choice).

Used parser functions


Field type

Smart number field

Parsing mode


%{sum([%{issue.cfnnnnn} = "Option 1" ? 1 : 0, %{issue.cfppppp} = "Option 1" ? 1 : 0 ])}

Please, replace nnnnn and ppppp with the IDs of the custom fields, e.g. Select List (single choice).

Use case description

Return a number that defines the priority of an issue based on the values of certain fields. If one of the field contains one of the defined values, the total number will increase by one.
