Remove either the label use-case-smart-text or use-case-smart-number depending on the feature the use case is based on

Use case

Return the number of times that the resolution of an issue was changed to "Rejected".


Create and configure a Smart field using this expression in Jira expression  mode:

 issue.changelogs.filter(changelog => changelog.items.some(item => item.fieldId == 'resolution' && item.toString == 'Rejected')).length

In case you have other statuses and resolutions, feel free to change these arguments: " item.fieldId == 'resolution' && item.toString == 'Rejected'"



Field type

Smart number field

Parsing mode

Jira expression

issue.changelogs.filter(changelog => changelog.items.some(item => item.fieldId == 'resolution' && item.toString == 'Rejected')).length 

In case you have other statuses and resolutions, feel free to change these arguments: " item.fieldId == 'resolution' && item.toString == 'Rejected'"

Use case description

Return the number of times that the resolution of an issue was changed to "Rejected".
