On this page

Use case

Create multiple sub-tasks with different summaries and descriptions.

Configuration steps


Choose Multiple issues based on a number and indicate the number of sub-tasks that you would like to create.

Issue type*

Choose Selected issue type and the Sub-task issue type.

Parent issue*

Select current issue.

The sub-task will be created under the current issue.


Insert the following expression:

%{nthElement(["First summary", "Second summary", "Third summary"], {seed.number})}

Make sure that the number entered to define the number of issues to be created matches the number of texts in the list.

Every text in the list from the expression represents each one of the summaries of the sub-tasks. The sub-tasks will acquire them based on the order of creation.


Insert the following expression:

%{nthElement(["First description", "Second description", "Third description"], {seed.number})}

Every text in the list from the expression represents each one of the descriptions of the sub-tasks. The sub-tasks will acquire them based on the order of creation.

Run as*

Choose which user* will be able to execute the post function. By default, it is set to the Current user.

  Related examples

JWT feature

Workflow functionCreate issue
Parser functionsnthElement()
Use case descriptionCreate multiple sub-tasks with different summaries and descriptions.