[2015-12-14] Released Jira Workflow Toolbox 2.2.2

New Features

textOnIssueList(issue list issues, string text_expression) : string list Returns a list of strings resulting of evaluating text_expression against each of the issues in argument issues. Argument text_expression is an expression that returns a string, where references to field values of issues in argument issues are done with prefix ^ before field code, e.g., ^%{00000} is field code for Summary in each of the issues in argument issues.
Example: textOnIssueList(subtasks(), ^%{00003} = ^%{00006} ? ^%{00015} : null) returns the list of subtasks with same user as reporter and as assignee.
mathOnIssueList(issue list issues, number math_time_expression) : number list Returns a list of numbers resulting of evaluating math_time_expression against each of the issues in argument issues. Argument math_time_expression is a math/time expression, where references to field values of issues in argument issues are done with prefix ^ before field code, e.g., ^{00012} is field code for Due date in each of the issues in argument issues.
Example: mathOnIssueList(linkedIssues("is blocked by"), (^{00012} != null ? ^{00012} - ^{00009} : 0) / {HOUR}) returns a list of numbers with the number of days from issue creation to due date for all issues linked using "is blocked by" issue link type.


Bug Fixes