Example: Limit issue creation per role and issue type

A well known limitation of Jira is that it's not possible to set issue creation permissions per Issue Type. We are going to show how to overcome this limitation by inserting a validation in "Create issue" transition in a workflow.

We will show two different solutions based on two different features of Jira Workflow Toolbox:

Let's suppose that we want to limit issue creation in a workflow, only to user in project roles "Developers" or "Testers". To do it we will introduce a validator Users in field are (not) in a project role in transition "Create issue" with the following configuration:


Once configured, transition "Create issue" will look like this:


Alternative implementation

Let's we implement in a workflow the following issue creation permissions per issue type and project role:

  • Issue type "Bug" can only be create by users in project roles "Users" or "Testers"
  • Issue type "Improvement" can only be create by users in project roles "Testers" or "Product Managers"
  • Issue type "New Feature" can only be create by users in project role "Product Managers"

We will introduce in transition "Create issue" a validator Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms with the following configuration:

Note that:

  • %{00014} is code for "Issue type"
  • %{00020} is code for "Current user"

Boolean expression used is:

(%{00014} = "Bug" IMPLIES (isInRole(%{00020}, "Testers") OR isInRole(%{00020}, "Users"))) AND (%{00014} = "Improvement" IMPLIES (isInRole(%{00020}, "Testers") OR isInRole(%{00020}, "Product Managers"))) AND (%{00014} = "New Feature" IMPLIES isInRole(%{00020}, "Product Managers"))

Once configured, transition "Create issue" will look like this:

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