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Since sumUp 3.5.0 it is possible to use sumUp within your Issue Matrix custom fields!

sumUp has to be manually activated for Issue Matrix in the  global settings!

Enable/ disable the calculation row

The calculation row can be activated in the upper right corner of the Issue Matrix field:

If sumUp is not configured or activated for the board, the buttons won't be displayed!

In this case, please check the configuration like described above or check that sumUp is activated for Jira Software and the board of interest within sumUp's global settings. Per default, sumUp is available for newly created issue matrix custom fields.

Permanent calculation

If the permanent calculation is not activated, the calculation will be disabled every time the page or the Issue Matrix field reloads.

To keep the calculation activated after page/issue matrix field reloads, the  permanent calculation  can be activated by hitting the lock button next to the toggle button in the upper right corner.