The Log work post function allows creating automatic work logs. Math expressions as complex as needed can be used to calculate the time to be logged, and custom parsed texts can be used for the comment.


Select the issue(s) to log work on. The following options are available:

  • Current issue
  • Parent issue
  • Sub-tasks
  • Sibling sub-tasks
  • Linked issues
  • Linked epic
  • Issues under epic
  • Sibling issues under epic
  • Set target issue manually (parser expression). Enter a valid JQL or issue list parser expression.

You can either enter a number as minutes or a math expression that returns the number of minutes for the time to be logged.

Enter a math expression that returns a date-time value. It will be used for the starting date-time for the work log.

If leaving blank, the current date-time is used.

Enter plain text and optionally use field codes to insert field values using the mixed parsing mode.

You can try your expression by clicking on the run button on the top right of the expression box.

Remaining estimate

You have the two following options:

  • Auto adjustment - The issue's remaining estimate will be reduced by the amount of work logged.
  • retain remaining estimate - The issue's remaining estimate will not be updated.

Use cases and examples

Tech review

Style guide

Short descriptionLog work on one or multiple issues.