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Use case

User properties within Jira can be used to store additional information on a per-user basis.

In the following use case, user properties will be used to store Jira users as supervisor for other users. If an issue needs to be escalated, the issue will be assigned to the current assignee's supervisor.


If not already done so, the user properties have to specified where needed.

As example we're going to set the user property for one user:

Head over to the Jira Administration → Users

Click on the name of a user.

In the upper right corner open the dropdown menu Actions and select Edit Properties

Add the following property:





Replace <username> with the actual username you want to set as supervisor.


Add the Copy JWT user property post function to the desired transition or create a new one.


Choose Assignee

Property key



Target field

Choose Assignee

Conditional execution

Enter the following parser expression:

%{issue.assignee} != null and userProperty("supervisor", %{issue.assignee}) != null

This expression guarantees, that the assignee will only be updated, if there is an assignee set which also has a supervisor.


Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Copy JWT user property

Parser functionsuserProperty()