tbdThorsten Letschert

Expressions are a fundamental concept within Jira Workflow Toolbox: every input in the JWT expression editor is interpreted by the JWT expression parser against the selected parsing mode.

Expressions range from simple text, e.g. Hello world!, over mathematical calculation, e.g. 3 + 4, to the extensive usage of expression parser functions and beyond.

3 + 4 
#Is an expression which evaluates to 7, with 3 and 4 being two constants 

4 ≠ 4
#This expression evaluates to false

Basic elements

The table below lists all simple elements or operands that can generally be used in an expression. 


A boolean value of true or false
true, TRUE, false, FALSE

A quoted text or a text field code.
"This is a text"

Text lists are enclosed by square brackets. Not only literals can be used as elements, but also field codes.

["first element", "second element", %{issue.summary}]

A numeric value or a numeric field code.

Number lists are enclosed by square brackets. Not only literals can be used as elements, but also field codes.

[5.1326, 3, 100000001, {issue.labels.length}]

A specific value for comparisons if a field or another value is not set or equals null.

The  literal con only be used in the Logical mode, the conditional execution parameter of a workflow post function, or in combination with the conditional operator.

  • Field codes
  • Operators
  • Functions

Field codes are the heart.... and return different data types




Ultimately, what can be used in an expression depends on the parsing mode-→
