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Use case

Prevent issue creation when there is already another issue in the same project with the same value in a certain field.

In this use case let's suppose that we have a text custom field called Invoice wih the internal ID 10400, and we want to avoid this field's value to be repeated among issues of the same issue type in the same project.


Add the Validation based on JQL query to the "Create issue" transition of the desired workflow.


Add the following JQL query:

project = "%{issue.project}" AND issuetype = "%{issue.issueType}" AND Invoice = "%{issue.cf10400}"


Select Number of issues returned by the JQL query satisfies a logical expression.


Add the following expression:

{issue.temporaryNumber1} = 0

An alternative implementation of this use case can be done using a Logical validator, see the following use case to see how it can be used.


Related use cases

JWT feature

Workflow function

Validation based on JQL query

Logical validator

Use case descriptionPrevent issue creation when there is already another issue in the same project with the same value in a certain field.
Parser functions

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