On this page

Use case

Automatically close epic after all stories are done.

Issue transitioned event

Add a Trigger → Issue transitioned event

JQL condition

Add the following:

type = "Story" and status = "Done"

Boolean condition

Next to the JQL condition click on Add → Condition → Boolean condition.

Add the following expression:

count(filterByStatus(issuesUnderEpic(%{trigger.issue.cf10001}), "Done")) = count(issuesUnderEpic(%{trigger.issue.cf10001}))

To achieve this, the following functions are used:

Issue selector

Next to the boolean condition click on  Add → Selector → Issue selector

Set the target issue(s) to issue list expression and add the following expression:


Transition issue

Next to the issue selector click on Add → Action → Transition issue

Set the mode to transition to status and done as the status


No screencast available at the moment.

Import the example

Import the JSON file below to get started in no time.

After importing the JSON file, make sure to check the configuration of the rule. Non-existing configuration elements (issue types, fields, values etc.) will be highlighted.

    "name": "Close epic after all stories are done",
    "description": "",
    "creator": "admin",
    "status": false,
    "triggerData": "",
    "triggerType": "ISSUE_TRANSITIONED_EVENT",
    "configuration": {
        "refs": [
        "triggerType": ""
    "children": [
            "sequence": 0,
            "type": "JQL_CONDITION",
            "ruleEntityType": "CONDITION",
            "configuration": {
                "refs": [
                "jql": "type = \"Story\" and status = \"Done\"",
                "jqlParsingMode": "jql",
                "actingUser": "field_00020"
            "children": [
                    "sequence": 0,
                    "type": "BOOLEAN_CONDITION",
                    "ruleEntityType": "CONDITION",
                    "configuration": {
                        "refs": [
                        "expression": "count(filterByStatus(issuesUnderEpic(%{trigger.issue.cf10001}), \"Done\")) = count(issuesUnderEpic(%{trigger.issue.cf10001}))",
                        "expressionParsingMode": "logical",
                        "actingUser": "field_00020"
                    "children": [
                            "sequence": 0,
                            "type": "ISSUE_SELECTOR",
                            "ruleEntityType": "SELECTOR",
                            "configuration": {
                                "refs": [
                                "option": "issueList",
                                "issueListExpression": "epic()",
                                "issueListExpressionParsingMode": "issues",
                                "actingUser": "field_00020"
                            "children": [
                                    "sequence": 0,
                                    "type": "TRANSITION_ISSUE",
                                    "ruleEntityType": "ACTION",
                                    "configuration": {
                                        "refs": [
                                        "option": "status",
                                        "status": "10001",
                                        "actingUser": "field_00020"
                                    "children": null,
                                    "hasChildren": false
                            "hasChildren": true
                    "hasChildren": true
            "hasChildren": true
    "hasChildren": true

Related example

JWT feature

Automated actionTransition issue action

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