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The basic text parsing mode allows you to write free text and insert field codes. The text does not have to be enclosed in "" like in the Advanced text mode.

All field codes will be replaced at runtime with the corresponding field value of the issue currently being processed.

This is the only mode where you can not use JWT expression parser functions!

Example expressions

Parser expressionDescription

This is the issue summary: %{issue.summary}

This example might return:

This is the issue summary: JWT 3.0 wording update

Next status update needed by: %{issue.dueDate}

This example might return:

Next status update needed by: 30.07.2020

This issue has been re-assigned to %{issue.assignee}.

This example might return:

This issue has been re-assigned to a.grant.

You can write your text in basic text mode, and then switch to Advanced text mode using the automatic parsing mode converter.

The text to be parsed will be automatically rewritten as a text expression. Now, you can simply make the modifications you require, making use of text formatting functions, or insert math or time expressions where needed.

To update issue fields, the parsing result will be cast to the expected value e.g. a user name will be cast to a user to update a user field like the assignee field.


Short descriptionCompose free text and optionally use field codes to be replaced with values at runtime.
Supported elements