On this page

Use case

Creating many issues and adding a summary and a description can be a bit frustrating and time-consuming.

To avoid such things, the following use case shows you how to create a sub-task with a summary to check for attachment type in the parent issue.

Configuration steps


Choose Single issue.

Issue type*

Choose selected issue type and sub-task as its value.

Parent issue*

Choose current issue.


Insert the following expression:

%{matches(%{issue.attachments}, ".*.txt$") ? "Text file found." : "No text file found."}

With parsing mode set to general.

Run as*

Choose which user* will be able to execute the post function. By default, it is set to the Current user.

You use these steps the same way for creating other issues for updating the marketplace presence for the app, for creating a newsletter for features, and much more.

Related examples

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Use case description

Creating many issues and adding a summary and a description can be a bit frustrating and time-consuming.

To avoid such things, the following use case shows you how to create a sub-task with a summary to check for attachment type in the parent issue.


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