On this page

Use case

Keep your team on track and never miss a deadline, the following use case will create a sub-task mentioning the assignee's full name and with issue links linked to the appropriate issue whenever a high priority issue has been moved to the status "Review"

Configuration steps


Choose Single issue.

Issue type*

Choose Selected issue type and Sub-task as its value.

Parent issue*

Select Current issue.


Insert the following expression:

Dear %{issue.assignee.displayName},

Please review the parent issue of this sub-task as soon as you can.


with parsing mode set to General.

Issue links

Select relates to (Relates) - inward as the link type

Issues to be linked*

This will show up in the popup window.

Choose Current issue.

For more information about this feature, visit the following page.

Run as*

Choose which user* will be able to execute the post function. By default, it is set to the Current user.

Conditional execution

Insert the following Boolean expression:

%{issue.status} = "Review" and %{issue.priority} = "High"

Related examples

JWT feature

Workflow functionCreate issue
Parser functions
Use case description

Keep your team on track and up to date by creating a sub-task mentioning the assignee's full name and with issue links linked to the appropriate issue whenever a high priority issue has been moved to the status "Review"
