Use case

If you want to count and sum up the number of items per due date or category, you can quickly configure a Group by widget to show these metrics with sumUp for

It can be incredibly useful to get an overview of how many tasks you have on your backlog in a certain project, when they are due, and which status they currently have. With such a widget, you can view at a glance how far along your team is with a project and how their work hours are fitting in with your estimated timeline.

Tasks are saved as items on boards in If you want to count tasks per due date or any other categorical variable, add at least two or more items to your board.


Add the Group by widget to your dashboard via + Add widget > Apps > Installed Apps.

Select the columns you want to report under Which columns you want to display?

For the widget to work, you need to configure at least one column, like worked hours, or check the Show number of items checkbox.

Select your date column under How to group the items?

This groups the number of items and the other columns by the task's due date.

Optionally configure Additional options to control the number of rows per page, the number of minutes between widget updates and whether or not to show a column including the item count.


