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The app was completely overhauled, and so was the documentation: Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server/Data Center) Home

The page you are viewing is still valid for all app versions prior to 3.0.

This function has been renamed with the JWT 3.0 release. 

Find the new documentation at:

Copy JWT project property

On this page


This post-function allows to read the value of a Project Properties and write the value into a field of the issue.

Example: Read a project property "StagingSiteURL" and write the value into "Testing Site" custom field

Once configured post-function will look like this:

JIRA Workflow Toolbox provides an Expression Parser, which is used in the main features of the plugin. This parser provides a set of functions for checking the existence of a project property, and reading its value:

projectProperty(string property_name) : stringReturns a string with the value of project property with name property_name in current issue's project. Shows an error message if project property doesn't exist.
Example: projectProperty("maxNumberOfReopenings") returns "3", provided there is a string {maxNumberOfReopenings=3} in the description of current issue's project.
projectProperty(string property_name, string project_key) : string
Available since version 2.2
Returns a string with the value of project property with name property_name in project with key project_key. Shows an error message if project property doesn't exist.
Example: projectProperty("maxNumberOfReopenings", "CRM") returns "3", provided there is a string {maxNumberOfReopenings=3} in the description of project with key "CRM".
projectPropertyExists(string property_name) : boolean
Available since version 2.2
Returns true only if there is a project property with name property_name in current issue's project, i.e., if project's description contains a string like {property_name=value}.
Example: projectPropertyExists("maxNumberOfReopenings") returns true only if there is a string like {maxNumberOfReopenings=x} in the description of current issue's project.
projectPropertyExists(string property_name, string project_key) : boolean
Available since version 2.2
Returns true only if there is a project property with name property_name in project with key project_key.
Example: projectPropertyExists("maxNumberOfReopenings", "CRM") returns true only if there is a string like {maxNumberOfReopenings=x} in the description of project with key "CRM".

The parser is a common feature, making Project Properties available in the main features of the plugin: