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[2014-12-11] Released Jira Workflow Toolbox 2.1.23

New features

  • New condition "Transition is triggered by Jira Workflow Toolbox post-function". This condition is intended to hide transitions that are thought to be triggered exclusively by post-functions, i.e. by writing into fields "Issue status", "Issue status (delayed writing)", "Transition issue" and "Transition issue (delayed transitions)".
  • New conditional operator ? : (similar to the one in C and JAVA). This operator maybe very useful for composing conditional texts.
  • New functions to access the historic values of fields:
previousValue(%{nnnnn}) : string Returns a string with the previous value of a field for current issue. It will return null if field was previously uninitialized.
previousValue({nnnnn}) : number Returns a number with the previous value of a numeric or date field for current issue. It will return null if field was previously uninitialized.
previousValue(%{nnnnn.i}) : string Returns a string with the previous value of a cascading or multi-cascading select field for current issue at level i (with root level = 0). It will return null if field was previously uninitialized.
fieldHistory(%{nnnnn}) : string list Returns a list of strings with all the values that a field ever had in the past for current issue. Uninitialized field statuses are represented by empty strings.
fieldHistory({nnnnn}) : number list Returns a list of numbers with all the values that a numeric or date field ever had in the past for current issue. Uninitialized field statuses are not represented.
fieldHistory(%{nnnnn.i}) : string list Returns a list of strings with all the values that a cascading or multi-cascading select field ever had in the past for level i (with root level = 0) in current issue. Uninitialized field statuses are represented by empty strings.

Supported fields are: Summary, Description, Assignee, Reporter, Due date, Issue status, Priority, Resolution, Environment, Fixed versions, Affected versions, Labels, Components, Security level and all the custom fields.


  • Issue #91 - Raised log level for certain messages, in order to reduce verbosity of the plugin in the server's log file.
  • UI improvement: Parser help and lists of field codes only shown or hidden by means of buttons.
  • UI improvement: Added field code injectors in features "Create issue link", "Log work", " Read Field From Issues Returned By JQL Query", and "Write field on issues returned by JQL query".
  • Added option "Evaluate all the setting rules, not stoping at first match." to post-function Set field as a function of other fields". This options is available only for multi-valued" target fields, and is intended to be used with prefixes + and - to add and remove values by means of a set of rules.
  • Renamed virtual field "Last comment's visibility" to "Last comment's visibility restrictions", as a more suitable name for this field.
  • Field "Last comment's visibility restrictions" now supports Service Desk's Internal visibility restriction.
  • Now writing on "Cascading Select" and "Multi-Cascading Select" is case unsensitive.
  • Improvements in functions "availableItems({nnnnn}) : string list" and "numberOfAvailableItems({nnnnn}) : number" for supporting the following field types: "Status", "Resolution", "Priority", "User Picker", "Multi-User Picker", "Group Picker" and "Multi-Group Picker".

Bug fixes

  • Issue #69 - Support for custom fields with IDs longer than 5 digits.
  • Issue #80 - Minor bug with Multi-Cascading Select fields
  • Bug on function fieldValue() - Function fieldValue() was retrieving values entered in current's issue transition screen as values of every issue read by the function.
  • Bug related with virtual field "Issue Status"
  • Bug when writing into virtual field "Issue Status" the name issue's current status, and the only transitions available for current user are global transitions.
  • Uninitialized field codes were throwing exceptions when used in advanced parsed texts. Now they simply return and empty string.
  • Post-function "Create issue link" failing in transition "Create Issue", when using a JQL query for issue selection and issue is created by Email.
  • Fixed bug when trying to clean a cascading select field by writing an empty string into it.
  • Parser didn't recognize empty list literal [ ].
  • Now, field codes inserted in JQL queries are not auto-double-quoted, since it was cause of errors in some cases.