🚀 JWT 3.0 is out 🚀 

The app was completely overhauled, and so was the documentation: Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server/Data Center) Home

The page you are viewing is still valid for all app versions prior to 3.0.

[2014-12-22] Released Jira Workflow Toolbox 2.1.24


  • Support for including validator's custom message translations for all languages installed in Jira. (Issue #37)
  • UI improvement: All checkboxes and radio button tags have become clickable. (Issue #64)
  • Minor improvements in new option "Evaluate all the setting rules" added to post-function " Set a field as a function of other fields": now it can be used also with "Ephemeral numbers" and "Ephemeral strings" as target field.

Bug fixes

  • Labels custom fields rendering was failing. (Issue #94)
  • Writing into a cascading select custom field wasn't working when options used were restricted by issue type.
  • Minor bug in IU related to project options in "Condition on linked issues" and "Validation on linked issues".