On this page

Use case

During new software releases you get to the point where all related issues within Jira have to be released. You could do this using a project event trigger as described in this use case. If you want to have a more fine-grained control you might want to kick-off this process manually. At this point our Manual Trigger comes in handy! 

The following rule will build on the project event use case but instead use the manual trigger.

 Manual trigger

Add a Trigger → Manual

No further configuration needed. The rule will only be executed if a user hits the Execute button .

 JQL selector

Add Selector → JQL Selector

JQL Query

Use the following Expression:

fixversion = nnnnn
# Replace nnnnn with the actual version that got released

 Transition issue action

Next to the JQL Selector click on Add → Action → Transition issue


Choose Transition to status


Choose Done


This is how the configuration above should look on your screen

Import the example

Import the JSON file below to get started in no time.

After importing the JSON file, make sure to check the configuration of the rule. Non-existing configuration elements (issue types, fields, values etc.) will be highlighted.

    "name": "Transition affected issues when releasing a version",
    "description": "",
    "creator": "admin",
    "status": false,
    "triggerData": "",
    "triggerType": "MANUAL",
    "configuration": {
        "refs": [
        "actingUser": "field_00020",
        "triggerType": ""
    "children": [
            "sequence": 0,
            "type": "JQL_SELECTOR",
            "ruleEntityType": "SELECTOR",
            "configuration": {
                "refs": [
                "jql": "project = TIS and fixVersion = 1.9",
                "jqlParsingMode": "jql",
                "actingUser": "field_00020"
            "children": [
                    "sequence": 0,
                    "type": "TRANSITION_ISSUE",
                    "ruleEntityType": "ACTION",
                    "configuration": {
                        "refs": [
                        "option": "status",
                        "status": "10012",
                        "actingUser": "field_00020"
                    "children": null,
                    "hasChildren": false
            "hasChildren": true
    "hasChildren": true

 Related use cases

JWT feature

Automated actionTransition issue action

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