Move multiple pages in a single go.

How to select multiple pages

Many of the actions you can perform on individual pages as bulk actions

Simply browse to the space navigator and select multiple pages as if you were selecting multiple files in a file explorer.

  • Windows users: hold the CTRL key and select the entities or select an entity and hold the shift key for faster multiple selections
  • Mac users: hold the command (cmd) key and select the desired entities.

After selecting the pages, right-click on one of the selected items and you will see all available bulk actions.

Select a single page and hold the shift key while selecting another page for a quicker selection of all pages in between.

Right-click on the page selection or, hover over one of the selected pages and click on the ellipsis menu "..."

Select the Bulk move action.

Select the target space.

Define a reference page

The reference page indicates the relative target location of the pages you want to move. The positioning options (next step) will define its final location.

Define the final location of the page you want to move relative to the defined reference page. Select among these options:

Insert as a child pages

The moved page will be inserted as a child page of the reference page.

Insert on the same hierarchy level after reference pageThe moved page will be inserted directly after the reference page on the same hierarchy level..
Insert on the same hierarchy level before reference pageThe moved page will be inserted directly before the reference page on the same hierarchy level..

Click on Move.

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.

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