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SINCE VERSION 1.6.0, it is possible to import and export scripted charts as bundles directly from Jira. This way charts can be easily reused in other Jira instances.

The charts will be exported as a JSON file that includes the following:

  • Chart names and description
  • Data script
  • Parameters
  • Layout script
  • Stylesheet
  • Used resources

Exporting charts

Charts can be exported by clicking the "Export" button next to the data script chart.

By default, the file will be saved to the Downloads folder.

Importing charts

Charts can be imported by clicking the "Import" button in the upper right corner. Charts and resources will only be imported, if they do not already exist.

When a script is imported, a new layout script is always created, even if it already exists. This prevents incorrect editing of an existing chart. 

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.