Every content item in this list is tagged with all the required labels:
To add a label to the list of required labels, choose '+ labelname' from Related Labels.
To remove a label from the required labels, choose '- labelname' from above.
Change assignee based on a custom field (Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server / DC) 2.x)
Assign issue based on the value of a Cascading Select custom field (Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server / DC) 2.x)
Assign issue to a specific user based on a specific custom field value (Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server / DC) 2.x)
Setting a custom field (User Picker) based on the value of another custom field (Text Field) (Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server / DC) 2.x)
Set watchers depending on the value of a custom field (Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server / DC) 2.x)
Add watchers depending on the value of a custom field (Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server / DC) 2.x)
Set "Due date" to current date at issue creation if not initialized (Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server / DC) 2.x)
Set a field based on reporter's email (Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server / DC) 2.x)
Rise priority if due date is less than 3 weeks away (Jira Workflow Toolbox (Server / DC) 2.x)