Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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UI Text Box

The Copy a parsed text to a field post function of JWT DC is not available in JWT Cloud, but can be implemented easily using an Updates fields post function. 

The table below shows the detailed mapping between these post functions and hosting options.

Migration steps

UI Steps

UI Step

Add an Update fields post function.

UI Step

Reconfigure the post function with the help of the following list, providing the necessary basics.

Migration details

JWT DC parameter

 JWT DC parameter options

 JWT Cloud parameter options


Target issue: Current issue

UI Text Box

Only available in JWT Cloud. Please use the default value Current issue.

Target field
Since this parameter is not available in JWT Cloud, please proceed as follows:
  • Select the corresponding field out of the list provided by the parameter Fields
  • Choose the option Set field value manually (parser expression)

UI Text Box

Include Page

  • Choose the parsing mode General in the parser expression editor opened for the parameter Target field and
  • Parser expression according to  Migrate JWT parser expressions

Additional options

UI Text Box

Not available in JWT Cloud.

Conditional execution

Run as

A drop down menu where you can select a field (all available Fields are listed)

The default is Current user

The options are equivalent to the ones in JWT DC but split in two separate entries:

  • Selected user, where you can pick a specific user
  • User in field, where all User fields (e.g. Assignee or Project lead as well as all custom fields of the type User picker (single user) are listed

The default is the same as in JWT DC: Current user

UI Text Box

Since only those fields can be selected which hold a user, it may happen that the value from JWT DC cannot be mapped to the respective field in JWT Cloud.

Excerpt Include
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