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UI Expand
titleCustom remote actions

A custom remote action can either be directly created within the Execute remote action post function or within the Remote actions page in the Manage apps administration. On the Remote actions page, you can furthermore copy, edit and delete custom actions.

UI Expand
titleCreate an action

UI Expand
Define the name of the action. The name must be unique across all remote actions.

UI Expand
Select the HTTP method type used while connecting to the remote service.

UI Expand
titleDefault connection
Select either the current instance or one of the already connections to a remote service already configured. Learn more about creating a connection!

UI Expand
titleREST path

Define the path to the endpoint to be called by the action. This path will be appended to the configured base URL in the connection.

To make it easier and more powerful to work with the REST path, you can use placeholders for path and query parameters. A path needs to conform the following pattern:

Code Block

A path parameter is any placeholder before the first found question mark character. It will be replaced at runtime with the value set in the further configuration. 

If a placeholder is found after the first question mark, it will be treated as a query parameter. You can configure the placeholder in the further configuration and set a custom value. At runtime, it will get replaced by the default query parameter pattern:

Code Block
With the configuration 

pathParameter : "extended"
queryParameter1 : "my"
queryParameter2 : "value"

the example above will getbe evaluated to: 


UI Expand

If you have defined any placeholders in the REST path, you need to configure how they will be replaced when executing the action. You can set a value by either passing the value of a field to the placeholder or by setting it manually using a Parser expression.

UI Expand
titleAction body

A JSON-based action body can be defined and configured if one of the methods POST or PUT is configured as a method type for the action. You can insert usual field codes and Expression parser functions within the body.

UI Expand
titleEdit an action

On the Remote actions page in the Manage apps administration, you are able to edit an action by just clicking the edit icon of the remote action that you want to update.

UI Expand
titleCopy an action

On the Remote actions page in the Manage apps administration, you are able to copy an action by just clicking the copy icon of the remote action that you want to copy. All configurations are taken over. As the name has to be unique across all remote actions, you have to at least update the action name parameter. 

UI Expand
titleDelete an action

On the Remote actions page in the Manage apps administration, you are able to delete an action by just clicking the delete icon of the remote action that you want to delete. Please keep in mind that deleting an action might result in an invalid workflow configuration if it is still in use.
