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[2015-08-14] Released Jira Workflow Toolbox 2.1.34

New features

  • New virtual fields: "Date and time of work logged in transition", represents the date and time introduced for the beginning of the work logged in current transition screen. Usage example: " Limit valid dates for work logs".
  • Added new function to the add-on's parser:
userProperty(string propertyName, string userName) : string Returns the value of the user property with name propertyName which belongs to user with user name userName. If the user doesn't have the property, null will be returned.
userProperty(string propertyName, string list userNames) : string list Returns the list of values of the user property with name propertyName in all the users whose names are contained in userNames. The output will contain as many strings as users have the property set.
capitalizeWords(string s) : string Capitalizes all the whitespace separated words in string s.
capitalizeWordsFully(string s) : string Converts all the whitespace separated words in string s into capitalized words, that is each word is made up of a titlecase character and then a series of lowercase characters.
allComments(string issue_keys) : string list Returns a string list with all the comments in issues with keys in issue_keys, in order of appearance in issue_keys, and by creation date in ascension order. Argument issue_keys is a comma separated list of issue keys. Example: allComments(%{00041}) returns parent issue's comments, where %{00041} is field code for parent issue's keys.
allCommenters(string issue_keys) : string list Returns a string list with the user names of comment authors and updaters of issues with keys in issue_keys. Argument issue_keys is a comma separated list of issue keys. Example: allComments(%{00041}) returns a string list with the user names of comment authors of parent issue, where %{00041} is field code for parent issue's keys.


Bug fixes