Use case
Return the sum of the original estimates of the issues under the epic's parent in hours only in the epic's parent view.
Create and configure a Smart field using this expression in General parsing mode:
%{%{issue.issueType} = "Initiative" ? sum(append(fieldValue({issue.originalEstimate}, union(issuesFromJQL("issuekey in portfolioChildIssuesOf("+%{issue.key}+")"), issuesUnderEpic(issuesFromJQL("issuekey in portfolioChildIssuesOf("+ %{issue.key} +")")))), [0] )) / 60 : null}
We consider the epic's parent to be a Initiatiave in this expression, but it could differ depending on the Advanced Roadmaps issue type hierarchy. To adapt to your issue type hierarchy change the following part of the expression: " %{issue.issueType} = "Your Custom Issue Type" "