Rules are basically checks, that can be combined and bundled in Reports. Once a report is run against a timesheet, all rules will be executed against the selected timesheet. 

Timesheet Check comes with basic metrics like the length of working days or daily rest periods to get started right away. Based on these metrics, rules are set up in minutes to map common regulations or policies.

A rule, apart from a name and an optional description, consists of three key elements - a metric, an operator, and a value.

The metrics are built-in, whereas the operators and values can be customized by the users. 

In order to create or configure rules you need to have the "Administer Jira" permission or the "Manage reports" permission.


Metrics are the 🧡 of a rule and can be seen as a framework, or a built-in check that defines what you can configure inside of a rule.

The working day metric lets you define the minimum or maximum length of a regular working day.

It accumulates the total of all time logged on any given day.

One of the 🔥 Preset rules 🔥uses the working day metric to check whether users logged more than 10 hours on any given working day.


The total of work logged on any given day must be lower than or equal to (<=) 10 hours and 0 minutes for the check to pass (tick).

Using the working week metric lets you check whether your users logged the correct amount of time in a week.

You can either set a maximum or minimum for the week.

(tick) You can e.g. create two separate rules using this metric to define a specific range of work to be logged in a week (at least x hours but at most y hours per week)

The working hours metric lets you define a specific timeframe in which the users only are allowed to log time.

This way you can restrict e.g. logging time at night.

The rest breaks metric lets you define the total duration of the rest break(s) needed on a given working day.

It accumulates the total duration between work logs on any given day.

According to some regulations a break must have a minimum duration to be counted as such. The duration can be configured in the global Settings.

The metric also checks whether consecutive work log entries and periods, that cannot be counted as a break, exceed the reference period in total.

One of the 🔥 Preset rules 🔥 uses the rest break metric to ensure that users have a minimum of 30 minutes of rest breaks when their working day exceeds 6 hours. 


The total time between work logs must be greater than or equal to (>=) 0 hours and 30 minutes if a user has logged more than 6 hours on any given working day for the check to pass (tick).

The daily rest period metric lets you define the minimum length of a daily rest period

It measures the interval between the End time of the last worklog of any given day and the Start time of the first workload of the next working day.

One of the 🔥 Preset rules 🔥 uses the daily rest period to ensure that users have rested for a minimum of 11 consecutive hours between two working days.

The average of work logged metric lets you define the minimum or maximum average working time of a user.

It calculates the average daily working time (total of time logged on any day) over a given Tempo period. The Tempo period will be selected once you execute this rule in Reports.

In case of a failed check, all involved worklogs will be reported as failed, even if the daily working time might be valid for that particular day.

One of the 🔥 Preset rules 🔥 uses the average of work logged metric to ensure that the average daily working time does not exceed 8.5 hours


The total of work logged on any given day must be lower than or equal to (<=) 8 hours and 30 minutes on average in a given Tempo period for the check to pass (tick).

Create your first rule

Navigate to the Rules page in the Timesheet Check administration.

Need inspiration? Timesheet Check comes with some preset rules. Since they can be modified by anyone with adequate permissions we have listed them for you here: 🔥 Preset rules 🔥

Click on + New rule

Select a metric.

Select a name and optionally a description.

Rule descriptions will help you to identify the rule you are looking for in the future.

Configure the rule by selecting an operator and time definitions.

Submit your configuration.

* Disclaimer 

Regulations and laws are subject to change. The preset rules are just meant to help you get started. A passed check does not mean that you are compliant with your local laws. 

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.

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