Pages - Alphabetical View

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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Read a project property Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Read field from issues returned by JQL query or issue list Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Read fields from linked issues or sub-tasks Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Read user property Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Regular expression renderer Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Reject duplicated file names in attachments Decadis AG Jan 17, 2020
Page: Remove versions selected in a version picker custom field Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Replace certain issue link types with different ones Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Require at least one sub-task in status "Resolved" or "Closed" when "Testing required" is selected in Check-Box custom field Decadis AG Jan 17, 2020
Page: Require issue link when resolving as duplicate Decadis AG Jan 17, 2020
Page: Restrict parent issue from closing if it has sub-tasks that were created during a given parent issue status Decadis AG Feb 13, 2019
Page: Restrict sub-task type creation depending on parent issue status Decadis AG Jan 17, 2020
Page: Restrict sub-task type creation depending on parent issue type Decadis AG Jan 17, 2020
Page: Result screenshots "Create issue links based on a custom field value avoiding duplicates" Decadis AG Oct 17, 2019
Page: Result screenshots for project property "Setting a custom field with project property and custom fields" Decadis AG Aug 07, 2018
Page: Result screenshots of calculated text field "Get highest value of custom field in linked issues" Decadis AG Aug 07, 2018
Page: Result screenshots of post function "Log absence time on another issue" Decadis AG Sept 17, 2018
Page: Result screenshots of post function "Parse Email adresses to watchers list" Decadis AG Oct 17, 2019
Page: Result screenshots of post function "Set a date based on current date" Decadis AG Aug 06, 2018
Page: Result screenshots of post function "Set the assignee based on a condition Skip to end of metadata" Decadis AG Aug 06, 2018
Page: Result screenshots post-function "Create a dynamic set of sub-tasks based on checkbox selection with unique summaries" Decadis AG Oct 17, 2019
Page: Result screenshots post-function "Create issues and sub-tasks" - 3 issues in different projects Decadis AG Jan 29, 2018
Page: Result screenshots post-function "Create issues and sub-tasks" - Create 3 stories on transition Decadis AG Oct 01, 2018
Page: Result screenshots post-function "Create issues and sub-tasks" - Create a story for each component in epic Decadis AG Jan 29, 2018
Page: Result screenshots post-function "Create issues and sub-tasks" - Create a sub-task per user selected in Multi-User Picker Decadis AG Jan 29, 2018
Page: Result screenshots post-function "Create issues and sub-tasks" - Create sub-task for each component Decadis AG Jan 29, 2018
Page: Result screenshots post-function "Create issues and sub-tasks" - Create sub-task for each story of an epic Decadis AG Jan 29, 2018
Page: Rise priority if due date is less than 3 weeks away Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019