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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Calculate the time elapsed between 2 transition executions Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Calculated Date-Time Field Julian Riedinger Jun 05, 2020
Page: Calculated Number Field Julian Riedinger Jun 05, 2020
Page: Calculated Text Field Jona Ittermann Jun 10, 2020
Page: Cascading select comparer Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Change assignee based on a custom field Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Change parent's status depending on sub-task's summary Decadis AG Sept 13, 2019
Page: Change parent's status depending on sub-task's summary (Transition issues) Decadis AG Sept 13, 2019
Page: Changing issue priority depending on issue description Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Check project property Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Clone an issue and all its subtasks (with additional restrictions) Decadis AG Feb 25, 2019
Page: Close parent issue when all sub-tasks are closed Decadis AG May 22, 2019
Page: Combine the values of several Multi-User picker fields Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Compose a parsed text including the "full name" or a user selected in a User Picker custom field Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Compose dynamic text by inserting field values in a text template Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Condition and validation based on JQL query Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Condition and validation based on regular expression Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Condition and validation on linked issues Decadis AG Feb 13, 2019
Page: Condition and validation on sub-tasks Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Condition except assignee/reporter/project role Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Conditions / Validators Decadis AG Jan 22, 2020
Page: Copy "Due date" into a date type custom field in a linked issue if it's greater than current issue's "Due date" Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Copy attachments from one issue to another Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Copy cascading select field Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Copy issue labels to a custom field Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Copy parsed text to a field Jona Ittermann Nov 26, 2020
Page: Copy the value of a user property into a user picker Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Create 3 issues in 3 different projects Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Create a comment in sub-tasks when parent transitions Decadis AG Feb 12, 2019
Page: Create a dynamic set of sub-tasks based on checkbox selection with unique summaries Decadis AG Oct 17, 2019
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