The Filter Results (by sumUp) gadget is similar to the built-in Jira Filter Results gadget extended by a sum row showing totals.


Which issues do you want to analyze?

Select an existing filter or choose to enter custom JQL.

Only available if Custom JQL was selected in the Filter parameter.

Which fields would you like to display?

Add fields to be displayed as columns and reorder them using drag and drop.

Only certain fields can actually be summed up (e.g numeric fields, text fields with numeric values etc.)

How many rows do you want to display per page?

Choose how many results you want to display on your dashboard.

Choose additional options

The following additional options are available:

Do you want to refresh your data every 15 minutes?

Check this option to refresh the results of the gadget every 15 minutes.

Enabling this option is useful when displaying information that needs a periodic refresh. For example, displaying the gadget on wallboard.

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.