This function returns the Atlassian account ID(s) for a given organization IDIn case the given organization ID is not valid or empty, NULL is returned. 

usersInOrganization(organizationId) #Output: Text list
Parser expressionDescription
This example returns the Atlassian account IDs of the users associated with the organization "Atlassian", e.g.:
712020:0bc16297-1d78-41a1-950a-25adba3065cc, 712020:458b6384-c6e7-4bcd-b4d3-2520eee2eff6, 712020:2e8cfdac-cae6-4722-bea6-ebcd6a225fc8
This example returns the Atlassian account IDs (for example, from the organization customfield), e.g:
712020:87582b49-1a86-4a6a-95ed-0828aef4e327, 712020:7462773b-182d-467c-8d01-5082ed8b5836, 712020:6c0cb204-0ec1-48fe-9e97-d8b58ee4ae59, 712020:65f89b51-3072-43c0-ad03-bd79e70ea78d

To achieve this, the following function are used:

Parameters used in this function

ParameterInput (data type)Description


Text containing a valid organization ID.

This function returns a TEXT LIST

Use cases and examples

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