On this page

This page contains a comprehensive overview of all list related information.

The list data type is an ordered list of elements. Those elements have a certain data type (text or number).

It's possible

  • to access individual elements (e.g. using the function nthElement()),
  • to create lists out of virtual fields (e.g. using toStringList()) or
  • to use the list functions presented on this page to work with lists.

Fixed values

A  list can be written in literal form using the following format: [element1,element2,...elementN].


  • A text list with 5 elements: ["Blue", "Green", "Yellow", "Orange", "Red"]
  • A number list with 1 element: [3.14]
  • A number list with 3 elements using field codes and functions:  [1, {issue.subtasks.length}, length(linkedIssues())]
  • An empty list: []

Available functions

The following list contains all the available functions that work with all kinds of lists: text, number and issue lists.

The following list contains all the available functions that work with number lists only.

The following list contains all the available functions that work with issue lists only.

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.