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Use case

In Jira it is key feature that always the right people have the right information. To keep track of things, you can watch certain issues to not miss any updates.

In this use case we will use the Add or remove watchers post function to automatically add watchers to issues based on the issue type.


The first thing we have to do is to do define which user should be added as watcher for which issue type.

Therefor we use the Update field based on rules post function:

Add the Update field based on rules post function to the desired workflow transition.

Source field

Choose Issue type

Target field

Choose Temporary text 1


Click on Add rule

Choose Text comparison




Replace <issuetype> with the actual issue type you want to check against.




Replace <username> with the actual username you want to add as watcher, if the above entered issue type is selected.

Repeat the steps above for each issue type you want to check against.

The final configuration could then look something like this:


Add the Add or remove watchers post function right underneath the post function we've previously created.


Choose Add users from a field


Choose Temporary text 1


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