Workflow use cases Automation use cases Calculated fields use cases Calendar use cases JWT properties use cases JWT JQL function use cases Use caseJWT featureWorkflow functionAutomated actionField typeParser functionsLabelAdd a hyperlink to an issue in an emailSend email Add assignee as watcher to every blocking issueUpdate linked issue or sub-task Add a table with the elements of a text to an emailSend email toString() textOnStringList() toStringList() Add attachments from current issue to cloning issuesUpdate linked issue or sub-task Add comment after seven days in the same status Add comment action Add comment when creating issues outside of business hoursAdd comment withinCalendar()STAFF PICKAdd comment with the request participants' display nameAdd comment toString() textOnStringList() toStringList() userDisplayName()Add components of the epic to the current issue Update field action Add days skipping weekends and holidays to a Date Picker fieldUpdate or copy field values addTime() Add internal Jira Service Management commentAdd comment Add links to the issues in a ScriptRunner Issue Picker field Create issue link action Delete issue link action issueKeysToIssueList() toString() toStringList() replaceAll() previousValue()Add or remove request participantsUpdate or copy field values Add percentaged profit margin when closing issueLog work Add sub-tasks to an automatically created issue Create issueCreate issue action getMatchingValue()Add sub-tasks to an issue on creation Create issue action Add user to field depending on selected optionsUpdate field based on rules Add watchers based on issue typeAdd or remove watchers Add watchers ignoring inactive usersUpdate or copy field values usersInGroup() isActive() toString() filterByPredicate() A developer must not execute the transitionUser is not in project role Alert the assignee of important issuesAdd comment Alert the reporterAdd comment All blocking issues must be resolvedCondition on linked issuesValidation of linked issues All sub-tasks in the Closed status must have a specific resolutionCondition on sub-tasksValidation of sub-tasks All sub-tasks must be Done or ClosedCondition on sub-tasksValidation of sub-tasks All sub-tasks must be resolvedCondition on sub-tasksValidation of sub-tasks STAFF PICKAll sub-tasks with a resolution of Done must be in a specific statusCondition on sub-tasksValidation of sub-tasks An issue must have at least 3 resolved Test CasesCondition on sub-tasksValidation of sub-tasks Assign an issue to the last assignee on a transition Assign issue action Assignee may only have a restricted number of assigned issuesCondition based on JQL queryValidation based on JQL query Assign important issues to the project leadUpdate or copy field values Assign issues to your team during a transition Assign issue action isInGroup()Assign issue to current userUpdate or copy field values Assign issue to the default user of a roleAssign to project role Automatically assign a tester during your development processAssign to project role Automatically assign issues to your team Assign issue action Automatically close parent when all sub-tasks are done Transition issue action count()filterByStatus()siblingSubtasks()STAFF PICKAutomatically close sub-tasks when parent is completed Transition issue action STAFF PICKAutomatically create a version when starting the releaseExecute remote action Automatically fill an insight custom field after a transitionUpdate or copy field values Automatically link an issue to an external oneExecute remote action Automatically log work on a Jira issueExecute remote action dateTimeToString()Automatically log work spent in a specific statusLog work timeDifference()Block an Epic's transition depending on linked issues status and due dateLogical validatorLogical condition count()filterByPredicate()linkedIssues()Block an Epic's transition until all the issues under that Epic are resolvedLogical validatorLogical condition count()issuesUnderEpic()filterByResolution()Block a transition until all sub-tasks have certain fields populatedLogical validatorLogical condition count()filterByPredicate()subtasks()STAFF PICKBulk clear the issue resolution Update field action STAFF PICKBulk edit the issue resolution Update field action STAFF PICKCalculate custom sequence numbersUpdate or copy field valuesSet or create JWT project property toUpperCase() substring() length() projectProperty() toNumber()Change the assignee to the next evaluatorUpdate or copy field values first()toStringList() Check if an issue was resolved on time TextdatePart()Clone epic, tasks and sub-tasksCreate issue toString() toStringList() issueKeysToIssueList() replaceFirst() first() fieldValue() textOnStringList() findModify() subtasks() issuesUnderEpic() Clone issue in external instanceExecute remote action Close epic when stories are done Transition issue action count()filterByStatus()issuesUnderEpic()Close parent issue only when all sub-tasks are closedCondition on sub-tasksValidation of sub-tasks Close stories when epic is done Transition issue action Components from all sub-tasks TexttoString()distinct()fieldValue()subtasks()Copy excerpted value from new comments Update field action findPattern()first()Copy formatted description of issue into emailSend email wikiToHTML() Copy highest priority from linked issuesCopy field values from linked issues or subtasks Copy latest due date from sub-tasksCopy field values from linked issues or subtasks Copy the parent issue comments to its sub-tasks Add comment action Create a comment on an external Jira ticketExecute remote action Create a component to group issues related to UI designExecute remote action Create a new employee account during an onboarding processExecute remote action Create an external project for a new employee during an onboarding processExecute remote action Create an internal Service Management comment on linked issuesUpdate or copy field values Create an issue in the current projectCreate issue STAFF PICKCreate an issue with a custom summaryCreate issue previousValue() Create an overview page for a software releaseExecute remote action Create a personal space for a new employeeExecute remote action Create a sub-task for each componentCreate issue toStringList()Create a sub-task for every recurring deadline within a taskCreate issue addMonths() getMatchingValue() dateToString() Create a sub-task for every sub-task closedCreate issue findReplaceFirst() first() findPattern() toString() sum() toNumber() Create a sub-task for every user in a field and assign themCreate issue getMatchingValue()toStringList() Create child issue within Advanced Roadmaps hierarchyCreate issue Create Confluence page with links to issuesExecute remote action Create issue link when issue is created Create issue link action issuesFromJQL() Create issues randomlyCreate issue modulus()round()random()Create issue under epicCreate issue toString() epic() Create several issues combining fieldsCreate issue nthElement() toStringList() modulus() count() ceil() Create several sub-tasks depending on the componentCreate issue Create sub-tasks depending on selected values in a custom field Create issue action toStringList()Create sub-tasks depending on selected values in custom fieldCreate issue toStringList()STAFF PICKCreate three issues with individual summariesCreate issue getMatchingValue()Creation date of the linked epic Date-timefirst()fieldValue()linkedIssues()STAFF PICKCurrent user must be reporterCompare two values conditionCompare two values validator Delete the attachments of an issue 30 days after closing it Update field action Details of the last comment Text STAFF PICKDifference between the current date and the earliest due date Numbermin()fieldValue()subtasks()Difference between two dates in business days TextformatWorkDuration() timeDifference()Display additional details of the issue creator Text Display current issue's project category Text Display historic due dates TexttoString()textOnNumberList()fieldHistory()dateToString()Display reporters of linked Cloud issues TextexecuteRemoteAction()findPattern()toStringList() toString() distinct() Elapsed time between creation and resolution Number STAFF PICKEnsure that all issues linked with a certain issue link type have "Due Date" field setLogical validatorLogical condition count()linkedIssues()fieldValue()Ensure that an issue has at least one attachmentLogical validatorLogical condition STAFF PICKEscalate issue to assignee's supervisorCopy JWT user property userProperty()STAFF PICKEvaluate Assets objectsLogical validatorLogical condition findPattern() findReplaceAll() replaceAll() toStringList()Extract an email address from the last commentCopy excerpted value Extract the issue priority from the summaryCopy excerpted value Fast-track transition issues assigned to the project leadTransition issue STAFF PICKFormat the issue's summary according to specified rulesFormat field value STAFF PICKGet attributes of Assets objectsExecute remote action Get ChecklistExecute remote action Get Hubspot contact informationExecute remote action Google Maps location TextreplaceAll()toLowerCase()STAFF PICKHalt a transition if an element is not contained in a listLogical validator Logical condition toStringList() Hide transition from issue creatorExcept users in field Hide transition to a previous statusLogical condition Highest ranked custom field value among all linked issues Textfirst()sort()fieldValue()linkedIssues()Highest value out of several fields Textmax()Inherit value from parent in Advanced Roadmaps hierarchy Update field action fieldValue()first()parent()Inline images in a generated emailSend email replaceAll()Keep calculated custom field in sync Reindex issue action STAFF PICKKeep parent issue's priority in syncUpdate or copy field values Keep the priority of parents and sub-tasks in sync Update field action Keep the status of an issue and its linked issues in syncTransition issue Keep the status of parents and sub-tasks in sync Transition issue action STAFF PICKKeep the status of parents and sub-tasks in sync (post function use case)Transition issue Keep track of important status updatesUpdate or copy field valuesFields required or changed dateTimeToString()Last comment, its author, and timestamp TextuserFullName()dateToString()last()allCommentDates()STAFF PICKLast commenter's full name TextuserFullName()Link a Jira issue with the corresponding release ticketExecute remote action Link issue to issue keys in its descriptionCreate issue link findPattern() toString() Link to JQL query with information from issue TexttoString()textOnStringList()toStringList()Link to the linked epic from the current issue TexttoString()fieldValue()issueKeysToIssueList()List all bugs where the current user was mentioned in a comment List all issues that are blocking issues that are due soon List all issues with an inactive assignee and that were assigned by the current user isActive()fieldHistory()List all issues with a specific value matching a custom text field Log absence time on another issueLog work stringToDate()Make "Time spent" field requiredLogical validator Make the assignee requiredFields requiredFields required or changed Make the description requiredFields requiredFields required or changed Manually create test issues Create issue action Manually delete test issues Delete issue action Match several values of a listUpdate or copy field values toString() distinct() filterByPredicate() Months elapsed Numbermonth()Move an issue to another issue typeMove issue Move an issue to another projectMove issue Notify about date of last comment for high priority issues Send email action Notify assignees when components are merged Add comment action Notify for high priority issue Send email action Notify the assignee one week before the due date Send email action Notify the project lead on priority changes Add comment action Notify the reporter of an issue about its status by a Telegram messageExecute remote action Number of days an issue was in the Open status against a JWT calendar NumbertimeInStatus()Number of hours in the current priority NumbertimeInValue()Number of issues in the same version Numbercount()issuesFromJQL()Number of open subtasks Numbercount()filterByPredicate()subtasks()Number of times a custom field has been changed Numbercount()fieldChangeTimes()Number of times a resolved issue has been rejected Numbercount()timesOfTransition()Number of unresolved blocking issues Numbercount()filterByResolution()linkedIssues()STAFF PICKObtain a value from an Elements Connect custom fieldSend email findPattern()toString() Only users in a project role can execute a transitionUsers are/aren't in project role (validator)Users are/aren't in project role (condition) Only user specified in project property is allowed to execute transitionCondition on JWT project propertyValidation of JWT project property projectProperty()Only watchers can execute a transitionOnly users in a field Operate with field values from sub-tasks Number Predicted completion date of an epic Date-timeaddTimeSkippingWeekends()STAFF PICKPredicted resolution date based on business hours Date-timeaddTime()Prevent a closed issue from being reopened after resting 1 week closedLogical validatorLogical condition isInRole()Prevent a transition depending of the number of componentsLogical validatorLogical condition numberOfSelectedItems()Prevent creation of issues with a duplicate summaryValidation based on JQL query Prevent external users from creating issuesLogical validator matches() toString() textOnStringList() toStringList() userDisplayName() Prevent having the same assignee in two sub-tasks Update field action Prevent issue creation if description contains less than 100 charactersLogical validator replaceAll() length() Prevent issue creation with the same field valueValidation based on JQL queryLogical validator STAFF PICKPrevent issue creation with the same field value (Boolean)Logical validatorValidation based on JQL query count()issuesFromJQL()Prevent issue from being "Closed" if blocking issues are not closed yet.Validation of linked issues Prevent setting due dates outside business hoursLogical validatorLogical condition withinCalendar()STAFF PICKPrevent the creation of sub-tasks unless the parent issue is in a certain statusLogical validator Prevent transitioning when there is a blocking issueValidation of linked issues Prevent users from selecting specific fix versionsCondition based on regular expressionValidation based on regular expression Prioritize the issues globallyUpdate or copy field values indexOf() previousValue() issuesFromJQL() Proceed with a task only when all sub-tasks are completedCondition on sub-tasksValidation of sub-tasks Read the information from a Trello cardExecute remote action Re-assign issues and leave a comment Add comment actionAssign issue action Reindex issue on custom field update Reindex issue action Reindex linked issues Reindex issue action Reject duplicated file names in attachmentsLogical validatorLogical condition count()toStringList()distinct()Remind users to close inactive issues Add comment action STAFF PICKRemove blocking links when blocking issue is closedDelete issue link Remove remaining estimate when an issue is closedUpdate field action Re-open issue when a new comment is added Transition issue action Reopen parent issue, if a sub-task is reopenedTransition issue Resolution must be emptyFields requiredFields required or changed Resolve issues when all options of a checklist are checked Transition issue action numberOfAvailableItems()numberOfSelectedItems()Restrict issue creation per issue type and project roleLogical validator isInRole()Restrict the issue creation with specific issue types to certain project rolesUsers are/aren't in project role (validator) Retrieve all tickets assigned to a developer Retrieve the assets of an issue in Jira cloudExecute remote action Return all issues in the currently open sprint with unresolved sub-tasks Scheduled project reindex Reindex issue action Schedule issues for re-submission Transition issue action Schedule the escalation of overdue issues Transition Issue Send email after transitioning to specific statusSend email Send email when a field is updated Send email action Send email with the URL of the attachments included in the descriptionSend email replaceAll() toString() attachmentUrls() findPattern() Set a condition in a global transition which only applies in a certain statusLogical condition If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.