SINCE VERSION 1.4.1, Space Admin allows easier management of blogs in Confluence.

To manage blog posts, the detail view has to be activated.

Convert blogs into pages

Blogs can be converted to a new page by selecting them and using the context menu.

Rename blogs

Blogs can be renamed by selecting the desired blog and using the context menu.

Move blogs

Moving a blog can be done by selecting the blog and using the context menu.

After that, a target space has to be selected:

Converting pages into blogs

In addition it is possible to convert pages into blog posts by selecting the specific page and using the context menu.

Then, a target space and a title of the page has to be set:

Update the publish date

SINCE VERSION 2.3.0, it is possible to reschedule blog posts! By right clicking on a blog post, the publish date can be adapted.

In the future, the blog post will still stay published.

After updating the publish date, the blog URL will also be also updated. Therefore, The blog post is then no longer accessible via the old URL.

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.