This function returns true only if the current transition was being triggered by another JWT post function

It is very common to automate transitions in other issues. If those transitions are being executed manually, it might make sense to have validations and post functions in place.

To make sure that JWT can execute a transition regardless of existing validators / conditions or post functions this function can be used.

isJwtTriggeredTransition() #Output: Boolean
Parser expressionDescription
This example returns the true if the current transition was triggered by a JWT.

This function returns a BOOLEAN

This function is useful for bypassing validations or post functions when a transition is being executed as part of an automation workflow.

This function is commonly used in a Logical expression inside the conditional execution parameter of post functions.

If you want to achieve the same for transitions that were triggered by a bulk operation, check out isBulkTriggeredTransition()

Transitions being triggered by the Transition issue action (as part of an automation rule) will be detected as well!

Use cases and examples