This post function automatically deletes one or multiple issue links.

Select the source issues to create the issue links from. The following options are available:

Current issueThe link will be deleted from the current issue.
Issue keys in field

When you select this option, specify the field containing the key(s) of the issues that should be unlinked.

The field must contain either a single issue key or a list of issue keys, separated by comma or blank.

Set issues manually (parser expression)When you select this option, you can specify the issues to be unlinked through an expression in JQL mode.

Using the advanced filters you can optionally refine the issue links to be deleted. All filters apply to the destination end of the issue link and not the source issue

Only issues (at the destination end) matching the selected link types will be unlinked. Leave blank to skip this filter.

Only issues (at the destination end) matching the selected issue types will be unlinked. Leave blank to skip this filter.

Only issues (at the destination end) matching the selected statuses will be unlinked. Leave blank to skip this filter.

Only issues (at the destination end) matching the selection will be unlinked. Leave blank to skip this filter.

The following options are available:

Issue key in field

When you select this option, specify the field containing the key(s) of the issues that should be unlinked.

The field must contain either a single issue key or a list of issue keys, separated by comma or blank.

Set issue manually (parser expression)

When you select this option, you can specify the issues to be unlinked through an expression in JQL mode.

The single filters are AND concatenated. In order for the operation to be successful and unlink the issues all filter criteria must be met.

The Limit to current project option ensures that only links within the same project will be deleted, meaning that both the source issue and the destination issue must be in the same project.

You can optionally specify a logical expression to define the circumstances (or conditions) under which the post function should be executed.

The result of the logical expression must return a boolean value of either:

  • true → the post function will be executed
  • false → the post function will not be executed

Using the conditional operator, even complex or multi-layered conditions can be constructed.

Make sure to learn more about defining logical expressions and browse through the various examples here: Logical mode

Select which user will be used to execute this post function. By default this parameter is set to the current user. You can also use field codes to run the function as a dynamic user (e.g. current assignee).

Make sure that the user running the post function has all the relevant permissions to perform the actions defined in the configuration (e.g. "Update Issues")!

If you want to keep track the actions being performed automatically, we suggest to create a dedicated JWT account, granted all relevant permissions, and use it in the Run as parameter to identify which changes have been made with JWT.

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.