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Use case

Check whether the current issue has any unresolved sub-tasks.

This is particularly important if you want to block a parent issue as long as work is still being done on related sub-tasks.

This use case is valid for both conditions and validators. The only difference is that you can specify an additional error message when using a validator.


Jira expression*

issue.subtasks.filter(s => !(s.resolution != null)).length == 0

This expression makes sure that there are no sub-tasks of the current issue that don't have a resolution set.


You can easily modify this use case to check for specific resolutions or statuses.

Jira expression*

issue.subtasks.filter(s => !(s.resolution.name == "Done")).length == 0

This expression makes sure that there are all sub-tasks of the current issue that have a resolution set to "Done".

Jira expression*

issue.subtasks.filter(s => !(s.status.name == "Done")).length == 0

All sub-tasks must be in the status of DONE

Jira expression*

issue.parent.subtasks.filter(sub => sub.status.id != 10001).length == 0

This expression checks that all sibling sub-tasks are in status with id 10001.

Sibling sub-tasks are all issues under the current issue's parent issue.

Related examples

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