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What is the detailed result of your migration?

Since Jira DC and Jira Cloud don't map one-to-one and the JWT DC features differ from the JWT Cloud features, the rules cannot be migrated one-to-one to JWT Cloud. The JWT Migration log shows an overview of the migration result as well as detailed messages of what has been changed in the workflow rules or what will lead to errors in the execution and has to be fixed beforehand. You can edit the rules directly in the detailed view for each workflow rule.

To view the full migration log, you need to be a Jira product administrator.


Being logged in as a Jira administrator, you can find the migration log in the central app configuration located in the Jira administration interface. The Migration log (JWT) link is placed within the JIRA WORKFLOW TOOLBOX section below our links for the Audit log (JWT) as well as for Remote actions (JWT).

Main view

The main view provides information about the status of the migration on a workflow level.

You can select a migration by its name at the top of the page. The youngest completed migration is always pre-selected (1). The section below provides meta-information about the selected migration. Besides a timestamp, meta information about the ratio of the migrated workflow rules is shown (2).

Each line shows the main information about one workflow rule (3):


Check this box to mark a picked rule as "resolved"/"unresolved". If you consider that a workflow rule does not require any further action, you can classify it as "resolved" by selecting the checkbox in the column of the respective data row.


The status displays the overall migration result of the workflow rule. When being migrated, workflow rules may produce multiple messages to every part of a configuration, providing hints and information for a Jira administrator. Messages may include information on whether there was a problem during migration and which part of the configuration may need to be addressed additionally. 

They come with different severity levels, which are described below. In the overview table, the highest severity is shown for a workflow rule. E.g. if a migration results in one error and several warnings, it is shown with the status ERROR.

EventDescriptionExampleExample feedback message


The workflow rule has been migrated without issues. 


The workflow rule has been migrated with some issues. It still can be executed, but may end up with unexpected results. In case you used the feature of translating the error message in a validator, this is not possible in JWT Cloud, so no translation will be shown but the validator itself runs as expected.Unlike the on-prem app, in JWT Cloud it is not possible to add translations to the error messages because of the limitations of Jira Cloud.


There were errors during the migration of the workflow rule which prevent the rule from being executed.

In case parser functions are not available in JWT Coud, the expression will not be evaluated correctly.

The JWT parser function "addMonths()" or its specific parameter set is not supported in JWT Cloud.


This workflow rule is neither available on JWT Cloud as a dedicated rule nor can it be migrated to a different rule. This rule is not available on the migrated workflow.
The rule Add or disable option in cascading select list field is not available in JWTC and thus receives the status Not migratable during a migration.

The condition "Users are/aren't in project role (condition)" is not available in JWT Cloud and thus cannot be migrated.


The names of the migrated workflows are shown. 


The names of the migrated transitions are shown. 

Workflow rules

The names of the migrated rules are shown. These are names that are used in JWT DC and differ from the ones in JWT Cloud.


The type of the rule (condition, validator or post function) is displayed as well.

All columns can be filtered.

Rule migration details

The Show more button leads you to the detailed migration information of the respective workflow rule and is described below.


The Overview tab presents all details of the rule, starting with the workflow and transition names as context and the JWT DC and JWT Cloud rule name, which may differ as described above. In addition, the Jira Cloud workflow rule ID is displayed (1). This ID is useful when trying to find this rule in the view of a workflow transition where all post functions (and respectively conditions and validators) are listed. If you have multiple rules with the same name, e.g. Send email, the ID will help you find the corresponding rule. Please note, that the ID can be found by expanding the view of a rule in the workflow transition view.

The table shows all feedback with helpful messages which has been found during the migration. 

  • Location - identification of the specific place in the DC configuration (Please note that migrating conditions and validators may result in translating them as expressions on the cloud side. This can lead to multiple messages, but just one expression to handle.)
  • Message - actual message/feedback provided by the migration tool

The messages can be filtered by Status, Parameter and Message.

The selected rule can be marked as resolved directly by clicking the Mark as resolved button (2). The latter will also mark the rule as Resolved on the Main view.

Edit workflow rule

A Jira administrator has the possibility to update the configuration of a migrated rule via:

  • Fix button in the Main view
  • Switching to the Edit workflow rule tab

The Edit workflow rule tab provides the default JWTC Edit Rule Screen (1). Saving the configuration of the selected rule on this screen results in immediately saving it without creating a draft for a workflow (2). Jira administrator can also opt for setting the "resolve" status of the selected rule (3).

A migrated rule can be deleted from the workflow using the standard Jira Software interface: Settings -> Issues -> Workflows -> Edit Workflow -> Transition.

A rule cannot be edited or updated once deleted via Jira Software UI.


In order to show typical examples for the messages, we present how dedicated parts of the JWT DC configuration of a Create issue post function are migrated and what is shown in the detailed view afte the migration.

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.