On this page

Use case

Often it can be useful to notify specific users about certain changes. For example, if an issue reaches a specific status, it can come in handy to get a notification about this update.

In the following use case, an email will be sent to the reporter, assignee and the project lead, if a specific transition has been executed.


Add the Send email post function to the desired transition or create a new transition.


Choose the option User in field with the value "Current user" (this is the default value).


Select Field containing users and enter the following fields:

  • Assignee
  • Reporter
  • Project lead

Email content


Select the parser mode General and enter the following expression:

%{issue.key} - Transitioned to "Approved"

Email format

Choose HTML


Select the parser mode General and enter the following content:

	Hi there,

	the %{issue.issueType} <strong><a href="%{system.baseUrl}/browse/%{issue.key}" target="_blank">%{issue.key}</a></strong> ("%{issue.summary}") has been approved at %{system.currentDateTime} by <strong>%{system.currentUser.displayName}</strong>.

	Reporter: %{issue.reporter.displayName} <br>
    Assignee: %{issue.assignee.displayName} <br>
    Project: <a href="%{system.baseUrl}/projects/%{issue.project.key}" target="_bank">%{issue.project.name}</a> <br>
    Created: %{issue.created}


Adapt the content of the email according to your needs!

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.