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Use case

To keep your Jira tickets clean, having a common structure throughout the issue summaries might be helpful.

In the following use case we're going to use the Format field value post function to format the summary properly.

In our case, all leading and trailing white spaces will be removed and only one white space will be left between words

In addition, the word Client will be replaced with Customer.


Add the Format field value post function to the desired transition or create a new transition.

You might want to add the post function to the create transition so that the post function will be automatically executed every time a new issue is created.


Choose Summary

White space mode


  • Remove all leading white spaces
  • Remove all trailing white spaces
  • Leave only one space between words

Case mode

Choose Capitalize all the whitespace separated words

Find and replace

Find mode

Choose Text (ignoring case)


Enter the following expression:


You can also use another word than Client depending on the word you want to replace.

Replace mode

Choose Replace all occurrences


Enter the following expression:



Related use cases

If you still have questions, feel free to refer to our support team.